So I guess this has turned into my personal place to write about the progress of my games. I made it through Atlantis...but with some difficulty. I'll tell you what, Ursula is a real pain to beat! Almost impossible. I'd leveled up twice by the time I beat her. Now I'm off to Halloween town. I must say, I'm a very fond of The Nightmare Before Christmas so naturally I was very excited to see this has been incorporated into this game. I love Jack! And Sally is just precious. So I'm not very far into Halloween town but according to people that have already played the game including my brother says that Oogie Boogie is sickenly easy to beat. So I'll guess that we'll just have to see. My brother on the other hand is trapped at Hollow Bastion, that place is just one huge maze if you ask me. I watched my boyfriend trying to play hollow bastion on Saturday last week and he got confused. Maybe I'll be able to figure it out when I play it when I get there if I ever get there. But that is all that is going down at the moment. I'll update when I've moved forward in the game again.