@Vozlov @MooncalfReviews Vozlov settle down, no one knows much about GTA Online at this point. The fact that you can pay for any sort of advantage means that in theory you can pay to win. Will other people reach that point of power eventually, probably. But right out of the gate you can pay for a bigger advantage.
@MooncalfReviews I find it funny that this comment is mostly positive yet you're still getting attacked for it. Technically we don't know the full extent of cash usage in game, but regardless any game that allows you to pay for an advantage of any sort is basically pay to win.
Good point about the subscription thing, I at first was slightly upset about this, but the thought of having an external subscription is even more frustrating. Great comment.
@mingolo @Silos911 I only played Mass Effect 3, so perhaps my standards were lower for what would be good or not and I figured any omitted details were just things I'd learn in the other games. Making someone play the previous games is bad, but I was willing to forgive it since the games are apparently supposed to be played as a trilogy. Dragon Age 2 was their mulligan to me, they made mistakes and it was obviously rushed, but I think they have potential to make up for it.
As for Old Republic, I was under the impression that people thought it was a good MMO. The lying I'm indifferent toward, building hype is a marketing tactic, it sucks but it's kind of a reality. But the game being poor is news to me, so that's interesting. Thank you for commenting back, I appreciate insight from other users and hearing their opinions.
@Darkeus @Silos911 I thought Old Republic was considered a good MMO? Not World of Warcraft standards, mind you what is at that high of a level at launch. I never played it and chose to omit it from my comment. That is interesting though that the game is apparently bad, I had no idea. As for the third Mass Effect, I didn't think it was awful as you proclaim, but I didn't play the first two so my standards are probably lower assuming the first two were that amazing. Thanks for commenting back, I appreciate the insight from others.
I find it funny that a couple years ago people would be raving about Bioware. Now they have released a bad game (Dragon Age 2) and a good game with a bad ending (Mass Effect 3) and everyone is up in arms that Bioware is terrible. It's foolish to think that a studio will make every game perfect. Teams change, budgets are changed, goals are changed. Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2, while under the same company name, was by two different studios. Saying Bioware is a terrible developer for releasing Dragon Age 2 is like saying Ubisoft is a bad developer for releasing the Imagine series even though they have Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell.
@Rayzakk @Pilgrim117 I don't understand your problem with competitive video games. People are really good at it, to the point where they can make money, what's the problem? Other than that, I agree with the premise of making people think that the game should still be cared for. As someone who used to play competitive Halo, Halo 4 was very disappointing but this tournament makes it very tempting to return.
Some of the people commenting seem to forget this is a spin off game. A spin off is usually never up to the same standard as the main series. Was Chain of Memories as good, or even that similar, compared to Kingdom Hearts? Was Uncharted: Golden Abyss as good as Uncharted 2? No, all spin offs have their place but they rarely play the exact same as the original series. Forza Horizon is very much a simulator racing game, the "hardcore" focus is toned down to make it easier to play, while appealing to a different market through the party atmosphere and open environment.
Awesome! Very excited, especially for the Ogres vs Roybox match. Should be a great weekend for Halo, especially with ranked playlists eventually coming back.
Silos911's comments