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Answers to Questions / flower Review

Nostalgia Moment:

Bombing Mission - Final Fantasy VII

Answers to your Questions:

nintendoboy16: One of the worst films you EVER seen in your life?

Answer: I haven't seen that many movies, but the horrible ones that I can remember are Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Street Fighter (2009), Dragon Ball (2009)

And I know you didn't start the question thing :P I just saw it on your page and decided to do the same thing :)

ImSwordMan: Whats your favorite game genre?

Answer: Hmm, probably Role Playing. Especially Japanese RPGs. They just seem like the perfect genre for me and I don't mind cliche stories that much :lol: I like WRPGs too, but I prefer JRPGs over all

mitu123: What's your favorite game this gen?

Answer: This is really tough. This gen has been home to a ton of my favorite games such as Bioshock, Super Mario Galaxy, Fallout 3, Gears, Dragon Age, Demon's Souls, Metal Gear Solid 4, etc. But if I had to choose one, I would choose LittleBigPlanet. It's just a ton of fun to play. It throws out everything that other games try to achieve such as realism and epic-ness and just creates a fantastic experience which focuses on fun.

In short, I love LBP :P

SolidTy: What's the last three books you read, the last three movies you watched, and the last three games you played?

Answer: *bows down*

Books: A Separate Peace (awesome), Lord of the Flies (awesomesauce), To Kill and Mockingbird (awesomecakes) All for English cl@ss :P But I still enjoyed all of them :)
Movies: 2012 (meh), Surrogates (meh), Star Trek (awesome)
Games: Last 3 games I played were Grand Theft Auto IV (amazing, but overrated), Counter Strike (I suck like *** at it but it's still fun), and Demon's Souls (challenging and fun :) )


This game won best independent game of 2009 at the VGAs and it deserves it. I think this game deserves more recognition that it gets since it's such a simple game with a simple purpose; to make you get that warm tingly feeling inside while relaxing you from a long day of school/work/etc.

The gameplay is as simple as it gets. You are a little flower bud and you press any button on your Sixaxis/DualShock 3 controller to apply wind. You use the Sixaxis controls to turn and change direction as you please, and your job is to explore a flower's dream by going around and pollinating a bunch of buds. As you pollinate more and more buds, they release smaller parts that follow your original bud. So by the end of a level, you will have an extremely long chain.

Graphics: 9/10

Sound: 10/10

Gameplay: 9.5/10

Presentation: 9/10


Overall: 9/10



Thanks for reading guys! Hope you guys go buy flower after my review :P Catch ya' later.
