Hello there and Happy Greatest month of the year. Yup, my birthday comes in February. Too bad it's so short. I guess that's why people say good things come in small quantities :( .
So, I figured I'd talk about music. Game music to be specific. Here are some ass kicking OST's from this gen. Some awesome music here, and I'm judging these based on how well they hold up outside the game.
NOTE: *** = epic ;)
10. Valkyria Chronicles
VC's soundtrack wasn't extremely epic. Nor was it very musically complex. Instead, we heard subtle tunes here and there and overall, the soundtrack was very pleasant to listen to. It complimented the visuals and presentation perfectly.
9. Company of Heroes
This one was unexpected. I wasn't "blown away" or anything by the soundtrack, but it was very fitting for the war setting. It was also free with the game :D
8. The Witcher
Beautiful soundtrack that compliments the setting of the game. The Enhanced Edition comes with the game's original soundtrack, and some inspired music. I highly recommend you to check these tracks out.
7. Super Mario Galaxy
Re-done tracks are masterful. New tracks are just as good. It's also one of the few games where the music compliments the gameplay. Very well done.
6. Halo 3
It's 2011. If you didn't get the memo back when the first Halo came out, these games have kickass soundtracks.
5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The older and newer tracks are both excellent.
Together We Ride (Fire Emblem)***
4. Bayonetta
This was also unexpected. It's got a pretty neat range too. There are the fast, upbeat jazz type tracks, and the epic Sephiroth-type tracks too :P
3. Final Fantasy XIII
Again, if you didn't get the memo over a decade ago, these games have fantastic soundtracks. You can remove Nobuo Uematsu from it, but it's still destined to be greatness :D Hamauzu has earned his place in my list of favorite composers. Just listening to the tracks make me want to play the game again. But yea... thats a different story :P
Snow's Theme***
2. BlazBlue: Calamitty Trigger
I can't recall many games where I've enjoyed the soundtrack more than the actual game. Not to say BlazBlue is a bad game; far from it actually. But the soundtrack is fantastic. Some of it may sound like generic thrash metal, but it really feels different from most other game music. Some tracks beautifully combine Piano with Lead Guitar.
Imperial Code (Noel vs Jin)***
Blue Beating***
1. Metal Gear Solid 4
Surprise? Evoking emotions to your fanbase is one thing. Drawing emotions from first-time gamers is an even better feat. That's what MGS4's soundtrack does. Be it the slow, sad, Old Snake theme or the epic Metal Gear Saga, MGS4's soundtrack has something for everyone. cIassic MGS tracks return. Newer tracks are great. All in all, it's what you'd expect from a blockbuster action film, and then more. Harry Gregson Williams has 1up'd everyone else in this generation.
Oh and haters gonna hate 8)
Old Snake***
Well, that's over. Instead of posting my film impressions and my thoughts on the Oscars right now, I'll wait until I see True Grit (tomorrow). Until then, goodbye :)