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Upcoming games, my gaming currently, and other stuff

Let's start with "other stuff".

I recently recorded this video and decided to post it :3 . It's not the best, and I didn't play the solo, but eh, it's not bad. Any feedback would be appreciated :oops:

In other news, I almost got banned yesterday :P You see, there was this thread about Bayonetta vs God of War vs Heavenly Sword, and some one was being a total dumb **** so me and champ decided to just mess with him. I started posting some gifs, and they were all clean. But one gif, I forgot the rehost it since I got it from that site that shall not be named since it does horrible things to people and creates internet memes and funnies at the cost of human beings. That said, I'm still alive, escaping the thread unscathed (well, I did get 2 moderations. 1 warning and 1 points loss) but not for the thing that almost got me banned :P


As far as gaming is concerned, I have been playing Uncharted 2 multipalyer almost every day now, with people from GUFU. It's extremely fun when you get a full party of 5 going, since we dominate almost every team on psn. Yea, most of the people on Uncharted 2 suck since they're generally the action/adventure crowd who don't play online shooters much, if at all.

But today was a special occasion. People involved:

  • Buzzz
  • fabz
  • myself

We beat Uncharted 2 gold rush mode on all 10 rounds :) It was awesome since Fabz generally had problems connecting with friends in uncharted 2 and he finally got it to work, and this was our first game together. I'm totally saving that replay :) . We got so lucky many times. I delivered the treasure, barely alive, with both Bzz and fabz dead, a few times. Getting shot one more time would have meant game over :P Round 1-6 was cakewalk. Round 7 was slightly challenging. 8-10 was a **** though. But yea, it was a load of fun, even though Buzz didn't have a mic :x

I also picked up Borderlands on Steam last week. A few friends and I split the 4-pack. It's a great game with friends, and I have a lot of friends to play with. Yoshi and I played for around 3 hours one night and it was very fun and addictive. Add my on steam (SilverChimera) if you have Borderlands on PC. My gamespy account name is xSilverChimera, so add that too if you play Borderlands.

Some single player games I've been playing include STALKER, Wind Waker, and I've been getting closer to getting that platinum trophy in Uncharted 2. I just need 26 more treasures, then around 200 kills with the GAU machine gun. Shouldn't take long at all. Also been replaying Assassin's Creed 2 for some stuff that I missed.


As for upcoming games, I'm mainly interested in Vanquish, Little Big Planet 2, and Gran Turismo 5. For financial purposes, I'd like to limit my purchases to those 3. However, knowing Valve, they'll have a few massive blowout sales, forcing the better part of my conscience to give in and just buy the damn games that I can run :P . I'm excited for the winter sale this year. Last year's was amazing. I got a bunch of games. (Off the top of my head, I got Orange Box, Braid, Counter Strike Source, STALKER, and Mass Effect). This year's should be great as well, even if I only get older games :P


I got my school schedule for this year. Nothing really hard except for Calculus

  1. Film in the 20th century
  2. California History
  3. English
  4. Creative Writing (Dropping this course)
  5. AP Economics/AP Government (I'm dropping this as well)
  6. AP Calculus

so I want my main focus to be on AP Calculus and I guess on learning how to program :P


Anyway, that's about it. See ya!