My list:
Crysis (if your system can handle it :P)
TF2 (must buy)
and CoD4
If I had to pick one, it would be Call of Duty. Its addicting, and for very good reasons. Custom weapon kits are my personal favorite, which makes it so your weapon kits aren't limited to what the developers thought what guns went good with each other.
Not only that, but its fast paced, well balanced, and visually satisfying. Its one of those games that you'll be playing for a long time.
Now, the reason why I didn't say that for CS, DoD, and TF, is because that's already a given. In my book, if you don't already have those three games, then shame on you. I don't consider anyone a real PC shooter gamer if they don't play their source shooter :P (just playin... sorta)
I haven't played Crysis multiplayer (or full single player for that matter), just the demo. Its a computer hog, but running it on DX9 solves a lot of fps problems. The demo is amazing, and I'm getting Crysis within the coming weeks. I do not have CoD4 just yet, but I play it constantly at my friend's (strictly multiplayer). I'm getting it tomorrow though, which is a coincidence, but I chose it over Crysis (TOUGH decision, no joke).
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