The criticisms in the video seem legit, but the rating is out to lunch. By the description given, and after playing the first game, this sounds like something that GameSpot would normally rate a 6/10. Have they adjusted their scoring benchmarks recently?
How can someone be so bad at their job? Well, at least I didn't have to watch McGee lounging around the couch in this review. This guy gets on my nerves.
@Saxondale Interesting baiting comments. I could respond in detail about your various statements, but I'd rather just sit back, roll my eyes, and think "Clearly this fellow isn't familiar with the comics."
**SPOILERS** I cured the Genophage, saved the Arachni, gave the Geth free will, watched helplessly as the Quarians went extinct... and none of this was addressed in my ending. Guess the changes I made weren't significant enough to mention...
SilverKeyMan's comments