[10] (10) Six Feet Under
Yeah, I've only seen the pilot, but it was nice! Can't wait to see more.
[9] (7) LOST
Because.. that latest episode was alright. It was like a bad season 1 episode. Yes, that's considered 'good' in my eyes, as a season 3 episode.
[8] (9) Scrubs
The musical episode made me love this show again.
[7] (8 ) Angel
Just watched some season 4 again, and I actually liked it more then I ever did before, although it's my least favorite season.
[6] (2) How I Met Your Mother
Although the latest episodes have been kinda meh, it's starting to pick up again
[5] (4) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Watching season 3
[4] (5) Firefly
Watching it, after I saw Serenity again a few weeks ago
[3] (3) The Office
The Joss Whedon episode was one of the best ever!
[2] (6) Dexter
I saw the season finale last week and it was nice :D It was really nice.
[1] (1) Veronica Mars
Well what's not to love? I just really enjoyed the coach-murder-mystery two-parter, and tonight's the mystery arc finale where a lot of loose ends will be resolved, since after its 8 week hiatus, there will only be five stand-alones left, to test out how that new format will do in ratings. So this might be the last mystery-ending ever :( *cries* The quality of this season has gone WAY up, since episode 11 (OK it just couldn't get any worse, could it? Or they replaced the title by One Tree Mars -.-), the noir-ness is back, and I loved the noir camerawork in episode 14. However, I still miss flashbacks and voice-overs. I'm excited about the stand-alones though: [spoiler] Piz might be evil [/spoiler]
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