Again, VERY sorry for the long delay. I was busy over the weekend, so i'll try to make up for the two I missed.
Anyways, now that we are reaching the top 5, these games are the ones I hold the strongest connection to. The games I love the MOST.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
I can already predict that a lot of people are going to hate me for this: Instead of choosing the much-loved prequel to this game, I chose the sequel that everyone was disappointed with.
First of all, I don't have KOTOR (the first). I HAVE played some of it, and I DID like it. However, I played all of KOTOR 2, and loved the whole package.
KOTOR 2 in general was way darker than the first. The galaxy itself was on the path to destruction, with the republic dying out, and no Jedi to protect it. You, unfortunately, are the last of the jedi.
You are actually a Jedi Exile, who was cut off from the force after leaning too close to the dark side. The whole game is an epic tale of reconnecting with the force. It gives you a nice sense of redemption.
Like KOTOR, the game offers a surprising variety of force powers, enhancing either speed, power defense, etc. The lightsaber combat is also very flashy and eye-pleasing.
The graphics and gameplay are much of the same, but offers a GREAT touch: Influence. The first KOTOR was already about interacting with characters and changing the game with your decisions, but KOTOR 2 adds to that. Decisions now affect your party's stats and how they respond to you. It was amazing how one little decision could change a whole character storyline.
Which is why it's my 5th favorite game of all time.
4 comes either in 15 mins, or tomorrow (with #3).