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Silver's Top Ten: Favorite Games #6


Guild Wars: Prophecies

Guild Wars was actually the first PC game I ever played. I have distant memories of how my old, rusty computer didn't meet the system requirements at first. I was so discouraged that I immediately hated the game (without even playing it).

I couldn't play it for a month or so because of this annoyance, but eventually my dad fixed the problem. I finally played the game, and I can tell you one thing for sure: I DID NOT hate the game afterwards.

My first character was an elementalist who was strong in the ways of fire. Walking through the lush fields of Ascalon and other beautiful environments was such an experience. It was like a dream. Like YOU were actually there.

In this huge world, the game makes you feel SO significant, putting you in the center of an epic quest to save the Kingdom of Ascalon, and eventually, the world itself.

And then there's the 8-skill system. There are many skills for each power, but you can only bring 8 of them. Which will you bring? It was all strategy.

I know there's an ongoing war between World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I don't want to be stuck in the middle of this, but I have to say my part. The price of a game DOES and SHOULD affect its judgement, and Guild Wars is just way less costly. I've played World of Warcraft, and don't get me wrong- it's a great game. It just doesn't stand up against the greatness of Guild Wars.

Besides, Guild Wars looks WAY better.

Which is why it's my 6th favorite game of all time.

5 comes on Friday.