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Silver's Top Ten: Favorite Games #7

I'm very sorry for the delay, I was just extremely sick yesterday, and couldn't really get to my computer. Anyways, here's #7, one day late.


Pokemon Gold Version

Ahhhh... Pokemon. Pokemon is sort of like a gaming hub. You HAVE to cross it sometime during your gaming adventure. I haven't seen one gamer who hasn't at least played a Pokemon game.

Being a pretty big fan of pokemon, I've purchased quite a lot of them. Based on actual gameplay, they're pretty much all the same game. However, there IS one that manages to sway from the crowd and stand out: and that's Pokemon Gold.

Game Freak seems to be adding more and more pokemon with each game, but I really believe that Gold had the perfect collection of Pokemon. Not too much, and not too little. Additionally, the pokemon still had a unique quality to them, something they seem to be losing in recent games.

Pokemon Gold was a birthday present for me, and the first thing that stood out to me was the use of TWO worlds rather than one. For nostalgic value, Game Freak decided to merge the regions of Johto and Kanto into ONE game. This definitely made it quite nostalgic, but it also made the game WAY longer than the other, puny games in the series.

It was also very pretty for its time.

Gold was one of my first RPGs, and I believe it truly surpassed its family (be it older or younger) in every way.

Which is why it's my 7th favorite game of all time.

6 comes on Wednesday (hopefully).