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Silver's Top Ten: Favorite Games #9


Golden Sun

The funny thing about Golden Sun is, I played it after playing its sequel. After loving the living crap out of Golden Sun: The Lost Age, I decided that I HAD to try out its big brother.

Well, to say the least, this game did not disappoint.

I've always loved how Golden Sun was able to break free from the RPG crowd and use "alchemy" rather than the cliched "magic". Alchemy works just as good, and with the game's lush, nice graphics, it LOOKS amazing as well, too.

The story is has you travel around the world on a quest to stop these lighthouses from being lit, but in the end- it makes you wonder who REALLY is the villain and the hero. Complex and satisfying.

The battle system is like any other typical RPG, and again, the graphics are VERY eye-pleasing.

I played this game around 4 or 5 years ago, so I remember sitting on my bed, spending ALL my time looking for better weapons and various Djinn. What a great experience.

Which is why it's my 9th favorite game of all time.

8 comes on Friday.