This is my first ever blog and its about the PlayStation 3. I have been thinking a lot and the PS3 is kicka**!!!! I want one and I am getting one ASAP!!! For right now, I only have a Xbox 360 and up until now I have not wanted to get a PS3. In fact I used to hate it. This year's E3 finally changed my mind. Day 1 of E3 opened up with the Xbox 360 and they had a bunch of great announcements. Then day 2 is when PS3 had their chance to shine. They did just that!!! They opened up strong and ended even stronger. Thats how you do it (lol). What made Xbox 360 seem so much better than the PlayStation 3,is three main facts.
- Xbox 360 came out before the PlayStation 3.
- Xbox 360 had more and better exclusives than PS3 did when it was first released.
- PlayStation 3 was more expensive, than the Xbox 360.
- Also, a another point but isn't too much of a bigdeal, is that Xbox Live is better than PlayStation's online network.
Now, with that stated, it is easier and more clear to see why the PS3 was behind. Now the fact that Xbox came out first ment they had a head start on the Playstation. Also, people went ahead and bought the 360, because of the price difference. (Really if you think about it, you were getting a better deal with the PS3 because it was $600 for the console, but it had a built in Blu-Ray system which runs at about $300. So you were basically just paying $300 for the actual console then another $300 for the Blu-Ray player, so instead of having two different systems, it was built in one.) Even though the PS3 might have been a better deal another main reason it didn't sale was the game selection for the console. Xbox 360 had tons of great game selections, especially the exclusives. Why would people pay more for a console that had the same games for a cheaper console? Well, finally their is a reason to buy that more expensive console, the PlayStation 3 now has better exclusives for it. When I say better, I don't just mean some exclusive games that you would pass on, I mean exclusive games that you DO NOT want to pass on. The PS3 has finally locked in some big blockbuster hits coming to just their system. One of the biggest exclusives PS3 lost in the early going, which might have been the biggest, was Grand Theft Auto 4. Well, to make up for that, they announced at E3, the next game that may be bigger than GTA, AGENT, is exclusively coming to the PlayStation 3. Thats just one of the big hit exclusives I am talking about. Another couple are, Heavy Rain, (thats the main reason I am getting a PS3) MAG, and God of War 3. Thats why now I am finally buying a PS3 an I am really excited for the games they will have for it this year. Now, if you buy a PlayStation 3 you are getting a great deal!!! For $400 you can get the console with a built in Blu-Ray and everyone knows the Blu-Ray looks just amazing and spectacular. So, if you do not own a PlayStation 3 yet, get out there and get one!!!!!!
Oh, and just so you know, if you couldn't tell, that was all coming from a guy that only owns an Xbox 360 and has never even insisted on buying a PS3.