I was thinking about doing video reviews on this site but I realized there is already a crap load of people out there that do them so I thought for a few weeks and last night a different idea popped into my head. I have a crapload of games on multiple systems so why not do something like a recommendation thinger. Which would be like once every couple weeks I will pick out a game or get some recommendations for a console and genre for that system. Then I can see what I can find that I think is a worthwhile game that I should recommend for the game collectors like me out there. Of course I will not be doing much of next gen games since I find them over priced 95% of the time and hold off till the price goes down or its given to me as a gift or if it is part of a series that I am a die hard fan for xP So anyways just throwing ideas out there to see how many seem intrested. I will elave this post up for about a month to see if it gathers intrest and figure out if it worthwhile or not.
On the note of christmas was meh I suppose and I finally got a new wii game after months since I purchased Resident Evil 4. The game I recieved was Metroid Prime 3 and I was surprised that the game actually held out alot better then I expected on the wii. Sure it took out quite a few things from other primes but it added some other stuff that made the game a bit easier and more enjoyable then some of the past installments. Though the only thing that really got on my nerves was jumping with the ball since I was always confused with what motion you had to do with the remote, flick it up or drop it since it would go crazy at times. Other then that one issue the motion controls they worked pretty gewd. Also I beat the game last night with 100% and it took me 14 hours and 12 mins if I recall correctly on my first play through on normal.