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SimeonSLeVeLUp Blog

Console Wars

Normally you have a fanboy yelling for pages about how he hates one console and loves another. Well I tried my best and tried to put together a objective console wars article. The URL is and if that doesn't work just go to What's New. I am too lazy to write the whole thing over again thats why I am using the link. Hope you enjoy.

Tickle me Emo

Yeah, been going through a lot lately. Been dealing with a lot of issues. Some of my best amigos are leaving and I doubt I will see them any time in the near future and it quite saddening. My emotions have been going crazy ever since I realized that in a year, it is over for me, I am leaving and that I'll leave everything I know and basically start my life a new. It is great to have this opportunity to start a new but at the same time it feels horrible to leave everything you've known your whole life behind. All I know is my emotions have been going up and down and I've felt insanely emo. I doubt anyone has read this but meh, I just wanted to let out how I felt.

GRRRR...everything is falling apart

Tomorrow I have my first exam of the week and I'll have 4 total by the end of the week and I have yet to study for it and I am starting to get a bit scared but whatever, I brought this onto myself. On top of that my account seems to be having major problems. The only good thing to speak of in the past few days was that I got Beatmania and it pretty much owns me every time I play it but I enjoy myself none the less.


I just bought a few new goodies so I could play them over break. I got the original KH (jumped on the wagon a tad late), Bombastic, and Dark Cloud 2. DC2 hasn't arrived yet but it should be here in the next two days. Bombastic is such a great find, everyone should type it into their little search bar and take a gander at it, it is just such a blast. As for KH I just got to Halloween Town, what a great game. Well, just wanted to say SPRING BREAK a few more times and have a nice weekend XD.

Rez -- Part 2

I finally got this game and I'm going to make this short and to the point, every person needs to play this game at least once in their lives, its one of those games that needs to be experienced first hand, not through videos nor through screens. Just play it, trust me.


I'm so excited. In all my PS2 life time, there has been what game that has alluded me, its name: Rez and finally I shall have a copy. In 5-10 days, my very own copy of Rez should be sitting at my doorstep and I couldn't be more excited and my search for hte Holy Grail is complete. I'll let ya know how good it is once I get it although I don't think anyone reads this but whatever, I do what I want.

I Finally Did IT

I finally finished off Guitar Hero on expert and I couldn't be more excited and proud of myself. Yesterday I finally finished off Bark at the Moon and just minutes ago I finished off Cowboys from Hell. I am so excited and can't even type anything else worthwhile so I'll just end this now. BUT I FINALLY FINISHED GUITAR HERO ON EXPERT!

"Please Give Feedback" -- My Website

Most recently, a couple of my friends have been giving me feedback about my site and there was something in me, maybe my pride, that made me just felt so good. Last night, a buddy of mine, Oogy, was pissed at me and I asked why and he said " Your reviews makes me wanna go out and buy the games now." Recently all my close friends have had nothing but good to say about the site but I can't help but see glaring flaws every where. Well, I would like more feedback. While good feedback may make me feel good, I want to know what are the problems others see with it. I want to know what people think of the site, I want to know what I did right , what I could do better. I want to make a real gaming site and I also want real gamers to go there. I am trying my hardest on this site and I feel while people go there, I feel like in the minds of the others it is just a joke, some kid writing reviews in his free time but this isn't a joke for me, I want to do this for a living and I would really like to know what I could do better. For those who don't know, my site is

Dial Up Gamer for Life

There is no doubt that I love playing games but one thing that I love even more is butchering my buddies online but it's hard for me as I am stuck on *gasp* dial up. I can play very few games online especially on PS2 but some games work really well with dial up. For example, Amplitude is nearly lag-less for all people involved in the game. I also Halo on PC once and a while and if I play on a dedicated server, the lag isn't too bad. The only major problem I have with dial up is the way people treat you for not being able to have broadband. Don't you think if I could I would have broadband? Just the other day I was playing online in Halo and was holding my own when everyone starts yelling at me because I was lagging the game. Then that same day I went onto Amplitude and I got booted from 5 different games because I was on dial up, I didn't even get to play. I'm not asking for broadband players to play with lag and deal with the dial up players but be kind; more than likely it is not their fault they can't have broadband, so be kind and politely ask them to leave. It will make the situation about 100% better. BTW, Amplitude online is amazing and any person that likes rhythm games should own it.
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