The Darkness to me is the best game for the PS3, it ties with Resistance i guess. But, the game is awesome. The concept of it is just golden. The opening cutscene shows you how this game is going to be awesome even! So you get infected by something called The darkness.
They are like these black dark snake like creatures! The shooting is cool, you usally are duel wielding weapons. but the think that's so awesome about this game. You don't have to shoot one enemy if you don't want too. The darkness can detach from you and they can kill your enemies.
You can also have the darkness eat out the enemies hearts! Which is awesome. The graphics are amazing and everything looks nice. The gameplay is amazing. The game is pretty free roaming too. You can wonder around in the subway and on the streets for hours and hours!
The story is very entertaining and awesome. The main character is awesome too. And the game never really takes you out of play like Half-life 1 & 2. Therefore, the Darkness is an amazing game that everyone can love. One of the best game yet so far in 2007.