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Most wanted games of 07!

So now the Playstation 3 is out, the 360's out and well i don't care about the other one. And there's the last gen including the Playstation 2 and Xbox and well the other one. :roll:

Here's the games i want in 2007,

Grand Theft Auto 4- This is probably my favorite game series. I love the violence and the pure fun! I mostly love the freedom. To ride anywhere in a huge city and o what ever you want. Did i mention the city is going to be way bigger then san Andreas? Ya! I'm going to get this game and love it. I already know.

Assassin's Creed- It's by the people who made Prince Of Persia. Who wouldn't get this game. The same fun as Prince Of Persia but in a city and you can go anywhere you want. The combat system looks amazing. Everything looks amazing about this game.

Heavenly Sword- A game when you do awsome fighting moves and kil people! Awsome! Another next-gen game that looks amazing. Seeing theese first 3 games really make me happy i have a PS3. This game looks awsome. I'm totally getting this game.

Motorstorm-This games gonna be amazing! I couldn't stop playing the free demo. The graphics are amazing and the racing is top notch. To bad we have to wait till March now since the game got delayed! Well it's only delayed like 2 weeks! But i'm really gonna enjoy this game!

Metal Gear Solid 4- Tobe honest i never played a MGS game but this game looks way to awsome to pass up. There's so many things to do in it. The missions are gonna rock. Everything's gonna rock! Snake is going to be awsome on the PS3.

Oblivion- I always wanted to get this game but i never had a 360 but now it's coming to the PS3. I heard this game will keep me very busy. And i like that in a game. I really am going to like this game. It looks really cool.

Rainbow 6: Las Vegas- I love First person shooter's and Tom Clancy games but this games going to rock on the PS3. I know i'm going to love it. It was on the 360 but now it's coming to the PS3 finally. Well i know i want this game.

Burnout 5 & Burnout Dominator- I love the Burnout series! I love the crashing! I love everything about theese games. Dominator's gonna be awsome on PSP and Burnout 5 is gonna be awsome on PS3!

And how can i forget....

Lair- You use the Sixasis controller to fly a dragon! This games goona be awsome! I mean it really looks cool! I'm going to get this baby when it comes out!

Others i forgot to mention before...

Half Life: The Orange Box
Rachet and clank: Size matters.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent for PS3

One things for sure i'm going to need alot of money in March! I love 2007! It's going to burn a huge whole in my wallet!
