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Sinestro46 Blog

Legendary's a hefty word

I just beat Legendary Wings for NES for the first time tonight. This game could be so much better. It's a fairly decent shooter with overhead and side scrolling levels, airborne and grounded enemies with weapons to deal with each and cool power ups. It's major flaw is the similarity of the levels and the fact it doesn't become remotely challenging until the last two levels. The boss designs are weak too. You fight the same brain/machine thing just with an increasing number of eyes four or five times. The most fun level in the game is the Danger area in the last overhead stage (which isn't even required to complete the game). It's challenging, has a really cool design and a unique boss.  The only cool bosses are the that and the final one. Other than that the game is long (I just spent at least an hour playing it) and unoriginal. Capcom got lazy methinks.

Hooray, You Can Read!

Powerpoint is a great invention. You get a professional looking slide show that's easy to make. I wish 80% of the people that used it didn't just stare at the screen and read exactly what the class can already see. I could understand if you were teaching a class of illiterates but at the college level, I'd guess most of the people in attendance have a solid grasp of putting vowels and consonants together in order to fashion words. What is the presenter there for if they're not going to deviate one syllable from what is written on the screen? They might as well leave the room while everbody reads silently to themselves.

Oh Man! My very own BLOG!!

Let me speak on this: I think blogs are lame. Too many people use their space online to talk about what they had for lunch and other stupid crap they think is important. So I figured, why can't I? Should they be the only ones flooding the internet with ininconsequential

Let is be known now, if you choose to read my weblog, you will not find any keen insight or miraculous revalations about life. You will only get rants, raves and random thoughts from the darkest recesses of my mind. May God help you.