So as a Playstation 3 gamer, I watched the Sony e3 press conference and was quite thrilled by what they showed off. This is indeed the Year of the PS3. They announced several PSN games such as RaC: Quest for Booty, Flower, Pixeljunk Eden, and more. But the one that caught my attention the most in a 100% positive way was this little gem: >br>
Now the game mechanics look very fun. The teams try to capture eachothers princesses but the catch is that the teams can fatten up the princess making it harder to capture them. Its been compared to Team Fortress 2 (and never having had the chance to try it i'm physced.) Now, I'm writing this blog to talk not about the game, but about the people who i'm sure have nothing better to do with their time but get mad at games.
Now i'm sure when i say that our friend Jack Thompson comes to mind, but for once its not him. Its the Feminists this time! (which in a way are worse, Jack is just one man, but the feminists have their armies of men hating overweight armies waiting.) Now by saying that, you'll think i'm probably think i'm just the typical guy, not caring about womens feelings and only wanting the holy grail that is sex. No not at all. BUT the reason i said that is because it is so typical that the feminists are going to hate these games because they are overweight. Look at this blog posted by Melissa McEwan, on Shakesville. (sorry i don't know how to link stuff but i would LOVE it if someone would teach me :]]]) When I first read that, I said to myself, WOW this is person has NOTHING better to do with her time. Then I figured out why she's so pissed. SHE'S FAT AS HELL. (a bit insenstive i know but its true.) Other users such as Subrosian's (haha it linked! read this blog if you haven't already) have expressed the same feelings as me on this subject.
I seriously cant see what the problem with this game is. Would it honestly be better if it was a skinny princess? All that would do is further the stereotype that men only want the skinny beautiful women. Or a prince? Would that be better? Didn't think so. I'm done for now, i'll continue soon. Thanks for reading