How come so many reviews are positive to the Wii game and the gamers barley care about the games. Example best rated game in game spot is Super Mario Galaxy however that was not a very popular game among the gamers. How come, is the Wii only for casual gamers and if so why do Nintendo make classic games like Metriod, Mario and Zelda games still since these games are not for casual gaming in my opinion.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a hardcore gamer and only feel that it's strange that so few games looks to like the Wii console. I love the wii both for the casual sport games and the old classic, and I know that it's not as good graphics in the Wii as the other two consoles. For me the graphics are a bonus when playing a good game.
I want to see more response and engagement from us players instead of only reviewers concerning the Wii.