I'm glad to see the game score so well. I was planning on picking it up regardless because of how much I enjoyed P4 Golden, but nice to see that it is being received well by reviewers.
Sinnicks' forum posts
In no particular order:
Suikoden, Advance wars, Final Fantasy Tactics and Dark Cloud.
Carnival for the Colecovision.
I got a lot more out of rocket league. Super fun online, very enjoyable playing solo, and I believe they just released or soon will be releasing a new game mode. Well worth the money.
I would like to think that I fit in 15-20 hours a week, more depending if I have nothing planned at all. I like to try and take some time everyday to enjoy my hobby, have a little "me" time and then take one day on the weekend and put in a solid session.
I really enjoyed what Final Fantasy 15 was. It was a simplistic story but it worked, unlike the mess that was Final Fantasy 13. I also liked how I started caring for the 3 amigo's more and more as I played. They may not have been the most interesting characters from the series, but I grew attached to them very quickly.
It was an enjoyable game, for $20. I see where people who payed full price for it may have had a different experience with the game. Sometimes the value of your entertainment impacts the overall experience.
It really depends on the games really. Some games can keep me playing for 110 hours (cough...Witcher 3), while others I would rather play in short bursts. I like to think that once I start playing something that I typically just play that game until completion, but from time to time I play what I call a filler game to prevent me from burning out on these long adventures. This helps an aging gamer from forgetting how the controls work for the most part.
Starting it this weekend as it slipped through the cracks on games I needed to play when it first came out. It seems like there are a lot of mixed feeling with this title, i'm just hoping the motion controls do not ruin the experience for me.
Keep mine hooked up at all times just in case. My kids play it a lot more than I do, but soon i'm going to have to tackle Skyward Sword.
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