Hey there, I got my Wii yesterday, but since I don't have a working Wifi internet connection, I was wondering whether I could update my firmware by putting it on my card, like how it works with PSP-updates.
Your whammy bar being squeky is the least you can worry about, my whammy bar is completely broken because of the springs inside the guitar are broken, so I can't whammy at all.
Damn you kindom hearts for ruining an entire generation of gamers!
I recommend a good dose of shin megami tensei to straighten you out, if that doesent work we have to go for "big blue" A.K.A. the xenosaga trilogy with enough techno brabble to make Adam Sesslercry himself to sleep.
[Authors note: X-play couldn't review a piece of paper with crap on it.]
Edit: Why does gamespot hate spaces so?hot114
You need to get out of your own ass, Kingdom Hearts was a great game, and even though maybe it wasn't the game for you, that doesn't mean those games you mentioned are godly, and Kingdom Hearts is a demonspawn.
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