Add me and ill shed light on how you can get the next PENNYWISE ALBUM for FREE on MArch 25.
Add me and ill shed light on how you can get the next PENNYWISE ALBUM for FREE on MArch 25.
It blew MY MIND it was so deep and inspiring at the same time.
One i really remember that i dont think ill forget is "...trying to understand the Protheans without the Conduit is like trying to describe color to a blind man..."
there were countless other conversation and quotes but i dont feel like posting them :P
The Witcher has comfirmed to sell over 1 million i am very very excited to hear this news. I have been tracking development from Day 1 and have seen the team work hard long hours to get this piece of art to the public. I was doubtful at how much it would sell given their hard work but low profile.
I hope to see an Xbox 360 port soon and perhaps even a DSspin off:D
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