Before you fanboys go all "OMG WE WNAT DA SAEM GAME", I am too a fanboy and I've loved the series every game.
But there is one thing that needs to happen to the series gameplay.
By every to every other generation, certain gameplay gets old while new changes. Theres good change and bad change.
Lets look at a few examples...
Mediocre Change
Perfect Dark -> Perfect Dark Zero: The game had an OK change. It wasn't nexgen enough though. There were things that could've been changed to make it better, but for the most part it was pretty good, but not good enough.
Bad Change
Phantasy Star Episode 1 & 2 -> Phantasy Star Universe: The game had a very drastic change in art direction, soundtrack, gameplay, *enter what else I forgot*. To some people it was still fun, but it wasn't near as good as PSO.
Good Change
Halo 2 -> Halo 3: Even though Halo 2's gameplay was before it's time (thats why it did so well), the changes that most people didn't notice, helped the gameplay expand even more.
Free Radical did a very very good job of changing in generation, but they didn't do too well this generation. We saw that Haze recently flopped, but why? I don't think they have a hold on nexgen gameplay so much atm. The game needs to have a major lift on the gameplay, but still keep the feel of Timesplitters.
I'm not talking about adding sprint, TPS, destructable enviroments, not revamping the whole experience, but nexgenning it.
Basically do what they were trying to do with Perfect Dark Zero, but hit it on the ball. If they stick completely to the old style 100%, it's not gonna do so well. That means having major changes on the maps too.
Hopefully they get it right
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