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Call of Duty 4 Needed Changes (based on balance, fact, and obviousness)

Every game has its balance issues, and Call of Duty 4 isn't an exception. Many cries and moans have been said, but usually not from balancing issues, but to sucking issues.

I do have a list of things that need to be changed and things that don't plus why I think they don't need to.

Too start off there are a few things people think that need to be nerfed...

First off is Juggernaut.

"jugernoob iz sooooooooo cheep. i hav to shot dem two much!" True that you have to shoot them a bit more, but it isn't nubbish. Why? There is something I like to call "damage rates"; +1, 0, -1.

Damage rates are the differences from one player to another via Stopping Power, Juggernaut, or niether.

For example:

Niether vs Niether = 0, both have the same health and damage, therefore they are at a neutral state

Stopping Power vs Niether = Stopping Power has a +1 advantage vs Niether because Niether has less damage but with the same amount of health

Juggernaut vs Stopping Power = 0, SP vs J cancels out eachother making SP turn into normal damage, J into normal health, and since J never had a damage enhancer, the damage is equal

Juggernaut vs Niether = Juggernaut has +1 advantage vs Niether because they have the same damage, but Juggernaut has more health

Therefore, N vs N = SP vs J, SP vs N = J vs N

So technically if you have Stopping Power and you are shooting at someone who has Juggernaut on, you are basically shooting someone without Stopping Power towards someone who doesn't have Juggernaut.

Also it doesn't take that many more hits to kill someone with Juggernaut on. It is harder to spray them, but if you aim and the chest and actually get good at aiming, you won't even think about it. Therefore Juggernaut isn't OP, it's that some people need to aim better.

Martyrdom is an easy one to expain. If you can run away from an uncooked grenade, then you should have no problem with Martrydom.Technically it's easier to evade Martyrdom than an uncooked grenade because you can always suspect of someone having it VS a suprised grenade.

Now to game balancing!


NERF: Time between burst and each shot needs to be lengthened a little bit
BUFF: Consistantsies between damage rates need to get fixed (as in +1's 2-3 shotting sometimes or -1's 1 shotting)


NERF: Total inconsistances with damage rates (-1's and 0's 2-3 shotting)
BUFF: None


NERF: Decrease accuracy/spraying and increase the recoil while using iron sights (the gun is too easy to spray with. TOO many example on why it is and why it is one of the "OP" guns)
BUFF: None

Barret .50

NERF: Time between shots sharply increase, big increase on recoil in scope mode, and 1 shotting while -1. (the Barret .50 shoots auto [way faster than the M40], recoil is just as bad as the M40, it's more powerful. Thus keeping power, decreasing spam/spray and always 1 shotting)
BUFF: None


NERF: None
BUFF: Little more damage while -1


NERF: None
BUFF: Little more damage while 0

Desert Eagle

NERF: Little less damage while -1
BUFF: None

Non-gun related changes...

50% less damage while shooting legs and 25% less damage while shooting feet (rewards good aiming, discourages full on spraying)

Better hit boxes / Hit detection (crosshairs not on bodies, but still hitting is a no no)

Knife lunge needs to be shorted a small bit

Yet again, these changes are based on thought out balance, experience, and usin' your noggin.