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Demo Disk, first dance, soccer, and my newest Jedi Galaxies story!!!! jampacked!

A jampacked journal entry!!!!!!!! let's get started!!!!!!!!!

I got a Demo Disk with Jak X, Ratchet Deadlocked, Sly3, and Starwars battlefront 2 on it! It's so fun but it only gives you a few glimpses of what the finished products will be like.

The first school dance was friday and I danced with this hot girl who I thought was a snob but it turned out that she was really nice.

My Rec. Soccer team lost a thriller of a game saturday, 2-1 that puts us at 0 wins and 3 losses, but we played really good and we're gonna keep tryin and eventually we're gonna win, just you wait

and without further a due Jedi Galaxies Pt. 5!!!!!!!

Jedi Galaxies Pt.5 Ylesia-The Blood Priest

Luminara was sweating and felt sick, although she was trying to hide it. She looked around at the dirt stained helmets that sat apon the shoulders of her clone squadron. They stared at their feet as Luminara paced around, somewhat dazed. "What are your orders?" A clone commander in a red and white helmet and matching uniform asked. Luminara turned and paused and then she turned again and took a deep breath and looked once more at her squadron. She knew they didnt have much time before the droids infiltrated the courtyard they were using as a command post. "Ok, she said," trying to keep her voice low, "we have to charge, we have no other choice, we must hold out until reinforcments arrive from Coruscant," Luminara finished. "Let's go!" The clones formed a circle formation around the Jedi as they weaved there way through the war torn city until they heard the low hum of droid footsteps. Then they sprung out. Luminara let out a schreech as she split through several droids who backed off and started whizzing off blaster shots. But the Clones had them covered and gunned down several as they headed to their flanker position outside Jabba's Palace. But as they marched a nearby explosion caused a huge chunk of rock to fall and kill several clone troops. Luminara fell onto the ground hard and tasted blood. As she rose along with some fallen clones Jabba's guards entered the battle and began attacking the dazed clone troops. Luminara spun and killed a bounty hunter but her squadron was being gunned down all around her.

As this battle happened Palpatine was coming to his own and finally rising out of his deep sleep. "Master," Anakin said in an alarmed voice. "Quickly, Anakin," he said in his normal raspy voice,"call the Jedi, so I can tell them I am alright," he advised. "But Master what will you say?" Anakin said in a worried voice. "I will say that I was advised to leave Coruscant by Mace Windu, then they will tell me that he's dead and I will act suprised, then I will say my ship was attacked and I landed on an unknown planet because my satelitte map got destroyed," He continued, "then they will send a rescue party here and you will enter battle with the droids that will be arriving soon." "In my new Vader suit," Anakin said. "Exactly," Palpatine said as the new droids landed on the planet.

Soon enough the Jedi recieved the distress signal and tracked it to Ylesia and immediatly sent 13million clone troopers there. with another 120,000 heading to Tatooine. And another 63million, most arriving from Naboo, would be positioned on Coruscant to protect it from another attack.

Clone reinforcments arrived in nano-seconds on Tatooine, including Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi. They charged to Jabba's Palace where they met Luminara and began to formulate a plot. Luminara fell back and the oposing force fell right into Ki-Adi Mundi's trap.

On Ylesia Obi Wan was just exiting the cargo ship that he arrived in. Yoda commanded the clones from his central computer system in his ship. on the other side of battle Anakin was staring at his helmet, already with the rest of his uniform on. "whats wrong?" Torenza asked as he walked nearer and wrapped his alien arm around the puzzled Anakin. "Is it wrong to do this?" Anakin asked. "No, fighting for what you believe isn't wrong or evil at all," Torenza replied, staring directly into Anakin's eyes. "But thats the problem, I do not know if this is what I believe," Anakin said in a soft voice. "I won't lie to you, Anakin," Torenza said, "I was payed to lead you down this path but if you are unsure, then maybe you should consult Palpatine," Torenza said in a worried voice. Anakin turned and all hate filled his eyes. "Payed? you were payed, I trusted you!" Anakin drew his red lightsaber and before the "Blood Priest" could let out a word Anakin slashed through him with no effort at all. Then he walked out of the shp and firmly put his hemet on as he headed into battle.

*Next Issue* Jedi Galaxies Pt. 6 Ylesia-Planet of Hell