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Mercanaries and Jedi Galaxies Pt.6

I got Mercnnaries! It's so sweet!!!

Ok I just posted my new issue of Jedi Galaxies last night!!!!!!!!!!!! here it is!!!!!!!!!!

Jedi Galaxies

Pt. 6 Ylesia-Planet of Hell

"Look out!!" A scratchy droids voice rang through the air at Mos Eisley, Tatooine, as the droids were being annhilated by Ki Adi Mundi's well placed, and thought out, ambush. The droids screeched and ran as they were cut down by Ki Adi Mundi and Luminara, or being blasted by clones. "The city is ours!" Luminara declared, raising her lightsaber high. The clones followed by raising their blasters to the air.

On Ylesia Obi Wan was fighting hard along side Kit Fitso. It was their mission to find and rescue Senator Palpatine. Just then an explosion caused Obi Wan to fly backwards through the air and land on his back. On the other side of the battle Anakin(Darth Vader) was getting used to his new suit as he slashed through hordes of clones at a time. Then he met face to face with Kit Fitso, not knowing that Obi Wan was close by.

Kit Fitso raised his lightsaber over his head and let loose a powerful swing, Vader easily deflected it. Vader tried to knock Fitso's weapon from his hand but the Jedi Knight was too strong. As this was happening the clones had identified which ship they thought the Senator was on and were charging at it with a direct attack. Obi Wan got up, stirred and then charged at Vader, who was now outnumbered. Vader pushed Obi Wan backwards with a strong wisp of his saber and then deflected an attack from Kit Fitso. "Go find the Senator, I'll deal with him!" Obi Wan commanded. Kit Fitso did not question and simply began charging towards the Clones specified location.

Vader then turned and ran backwards with Obi Wan on his tail. He backed into a darkened spice factory and withdrew his lightsaber. Obi Wan was alert, for he could not see his opponent. then he saw the flash of the red lightsaber and made sure to block the attack. A duel commenced in the dark until again Vader withdrew his lightsaber once more. Then without warning Vader's lightsbaer drew and stabbed right through Obi Wan's abdomin. Vader then ran out of the room, knowing he'd just wounded his former master.

Yoda decided to take action, he had feared now more then ever that the clones were going to betray the jedi, he'd never liked Palpatine. Yoda secretly took an expedition to Kashyyyk alone. He had been good friends with the Wookie people and hoped they would provide support if needed. Wookies were said to be faithful and loyal allies. When Yoda arrived he was met by a council of Wookies. They then moved on to the nearest village where they discussed Yoda's terms. "Protect your people, and your planet we will, I promise," Yoda said almost begging. But the Wookie council remained undecided. Yoda had no choice but to hope and return to the battle on Ylesia.

Obi Wan held his bleeding side as he got up. He scooped up his lightsaber and chased after his assailant. When he entered the next room he turned and faced Darth Vader as they prepared to square off once again.

[On Palpatine's Ship]"Now is time," Palpatine, now fully healed said, as his guards prepared for his communication transmission. He then sent a message to Commander Cody. "I haven't much time so I will make this quick, I have an order for you," Palpatine announced. "Anything you wish," Cody replied. "Good," Palpatine took a deep breath,"Order 66, kill the Jedi." "Are you sure? What is your reasoning?" "I haven't the time," Palpatine explained, and clicked off his messanging device. Commander Cody soon relayed the message, "Kill the Jedi, a direct command from Senator Palpatine," He said. The Clone's began to fire upon the Jedi at an instant.

Kit Fitso backed to the wall, cornered, "This could be te end," he thought as he stared at the clone's and droids alike who were firing upon him. He felt sickened. Just as the droids raised their guns to kill the Jedi, a huge ship crashed through the barriers freeing Kit Fitso from his doom. The ship was quite primative, the work of the Wookies most definantly.

The Wookies were stronger then droids or clones and could face off with 20 or more at a time and still win. The droids and clones alike were soon issued to retreat. The Battle of Ylesia woulde be known in history as one of the greatest battles ever along with the Battle of Geonosis, and the Recapture of Theed.

*Next Issue* Jedi Galaxies Pt.7 Birth of a Rebellion

(Preview)- Yoda makes a call to arms and forms the rebel alliance againist the evil emperor Palpatine.

Darth Vader revealed as Anakin!