well, I had an interesting day at school...............................................................................
First, I was with my friend Kory and this girl walks up, Rachel and she meant to say "are you Jewish?" but instead she said "are you Hauunika?" (spelled wrong, dont know how to spell) I was dying, but she got her revenge, In gym I threw the dodgeball and it tipped soemones hand and smashed her right in the face cause she was sitting on the bleachers.........she smacked the hell out of me....................................................
Then in spanish I was chewing gum and shes like Tim go throw your gum away, so I go Bam!!!! and she's like I dont want to hear that foul language! (she thought I said damn!) then............
We had an assembly about foriegn languages cause I'm gonna be a Freshman next year, I'm probably gonna do Italian but the girls in the Frence were such hotties...........but they'll probably graduate anyway.....................................................
Then in math I got in trouble for making a whitty remark and the teahcer man made me write "self control is essential" then the period eneded and I got two pages front and back, then I handed it to him and he crumpled it and threw it away
so, yeah thats my very eventful day, and the christmas dance is tonite, time to see some hotties in skimpy dresses! yay! :D