Jedi Galaxies Pt.1 Battle of Geonosis
The air was tense on Geonosis as Count Dooku's droids fanned out the battlefield. They had heard rumors about the clones and the Jedi's clone army but they didnt want to believe them. As the droids moved into position the first of the republic fleet arrived. Mace Windu led the way with several other Jedi like Kit Fitso, Luminara, and Shaak Ti. The republic gunships landed with huge AAT walkers that were annhiilating the droid forces. The droid army was falling back to the techno union ships but they were being blasted by the huge republic army. They were totally outmanned.
Noticing this Count Dooku retreated from the battle to the Spire which was his main base of opperations, and he advised that they hide the secret plans for the ultimte weapon, the Death Star so that they were not recovered by the Jedi. The Spire soon came under attack and the commanding officer who had the plans concealed was killed by republic troops led by Jedi Master Yoda.
The Spire was destroyed by Republic troopers and the secret plans were buried. Dooku narowly escaped but little did the Jedi know that this was just the begining of the Dooku's plots. As they spoke Dooku was gathering more Droids to make an expedition back to Geonosis to recover the secret plans.
Jedi Galaxies Pt.2 Dooku's Revenge
As you could expect Darth Sidious was not pleased when Dooku told him that he had lost the secret plans. "I am very......(pauses and looks out window)..displeased with you Thyrranis," The Dark Lord said. "My lord, I will get those plans back, even shall it cost my life," Dooku answered. "I would expect none less," Cidious proclaimed. Both engage in evil laughter (Mwahahahahahahhahhhhhahaaaahaaaahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Back on Geonosis Shaak Ti was the Jedi given the job of protecting the now desolate world. But little did she know that her forces were about to come under attack from the evil droid forces, and Count Dooku.
The droids moved swiftly and stealthily, taking out the few guards who protected the ruins of the Spire Base. But when they moved through the Rotunda room that was the only part of the Spire that remained, and were met with the challenger, none other then Ki-Adi Mundi who had used his awesome skills with the force to predict the attack.
Shaak Ti then recieved a report about droid ships sighted in the area around the Spire, which was lightly guarded because the young, inexpierienced, Jedi, unlike Ki-Adi Mundi couldn't predict such an attack. "All troops move to flanker position, lets go." The Republic Troops moved to the area and quickly surronded it. But the Battle inside the Rotunda was still undecided. Shaak Ti positioned a small garrison outside, and moves the bulk of the forces into the battle.
Inside the Rotunda the battle was fierce. The droids troops quickly movede in and took out Ki-Adi Mundi's clone squadron. But the Jedi Master would not let up, just then the reinforcment troops arrived for the republic, forcing the dueling Jedi to back into a different room. They traded blows as the Droids and the Clone's did too. Just then Dooku backed away from Ki-Adi Mundi and Shaak Ti jumped throught a hole in the wall, lightsaber drawn and immediatly beheaded the Sith Apprentice.
"Something of value is here," Ki-Adi Mundi said, "and we must find it before another attack force appears." "General Shaak Ti," A Clone Commander reported in, "the droids are retreating, we are safe...for now." Up above looking out his window on Coruscant Yoda weapt, for he knew they were not safe from the Dark Side.
*Next Issue Jedi Galaxies Pt.3 Shadow of the Dark Side* Sometime this week, if you like tell me