yep our school is now in complete chaos. If you know me good enough you know I have a tendancy towards rebellion. today Mr.Carroll aka principal guy, levyed even more ridiculuos rules. He canceled the yearbook hall of fame voting. But thanks to the return of the Mafia Club (now the Mafia Club/rebellion Alliance) we are going to put an end to all these crazy rule changes. School was running fine before, why does Carroll think he should change it all? Your guess is as good as ours. But soon tha Mafia Club will have a home here on GS. So as some resort to peaceful protest, I am gonna show everyone how to get their point across. Today Ive already signed a petition and made a T-shirt for the cause, but for some reason I don't think it will have much effect. In case you don't know what other rules he recently created here's a few.
no using words such as "crap or sucks"
listening to music during recess is prohibited
thats just two, now you're wishing you were in my school, so you too could join our rebellion aganist staff, and student council. (We told them that the staff had all control, but listening isn't their strong point.)
I plan to do whatever I can to restore all our privelages, including rebeling, protesting, and maybe even publishing my own yearbook, one that will cost 5 $ not 28$
thecree is creating the Mafia Coalition / OT union, then we can raid boards and conceive rebellions right here on GS,
I'll post a link to our school rules later so you can laugh at how stupid they are................until then cya