If you're going to get into Batman, keep a look out for basically anything written by Grant Morrison. "Hush" was quite good as well. If you're planning on reading anything else by DC Comics, check out "52" it's one of DC's best events. It focuses on the "B-list" heroes of the DC universe. (It follows the story of a world without the big three, Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman, who "disappear" during "Infinite Crisis")
As for Marvel, check out Civil War, it's concept was interesting, but I personally believe it fell short on presentation. It's still definitely worth a read through, though. Check out Deadpool as well, he's a fun little character (the stuff written by Joe Kelly made the character, however so make sure you read those.)
I personally believe that if you have any sort of information on a character, then you can instantly pick up on what's happening. If you know Spider-Man was bitten by a radio active spider, than you're set to pick up any copy of Spider-Man at your local comic book store. (Of course, the Internet is always there to help you if you don't understand right away.)
And please, make an effort to read some indie comics. Stuff like Joe Kelly's "I Kill Giants" and James Stokoe's "Orc Stain" are fantastic and beautiful.
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