Angryduck67 This is why cartriges are better for handhelds. No load times, better battery life. Right now storage capacity is not an issue, a DS cart can hold as much data as a GC disc, and only a handful of GC games spilled over onto 2 discs. And the next generation of Nintendo's handhelds will probably have carts that can hold as much as, or even more than, a single-layer DVD. From memory a GC disc holds just under 2gb of data, a UMD has a capacity of 1.8gb. If you think a DS cartridge can hold that much data you've been smokin some bad grenola. I really have no problems with long loading times for some games. Tekken DR may take over a minute to get started, but actual match loading times once you are in the game are minimal. If an extra one or two minutes is giving you that much grief, then perhaps you don't have enough time to play your handheld and should *shock horror* read something?
1. Resident Evil 4 (PS2 - i own it, haven't played it yet) 2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64...never had a 64) 3. Mario 64 (N64...see above) 4. Psychonauts (PS2...i've heard only good but don't own it) 5. Beyond Good and Evil (PS2...once again, have heard good things, but haven't picked it up yet).
1) Resident Evil 4 (PS2) - seems to be the game of the moment 2) Street Fighter II (GBA) - Its portable street fighter! 3) Ikaruga (GC) - Best shooter ever 4) House of the Dead 2 (DC) - Bought a DC specifically for this 5) Chrono Trigger (SNES) - best RPG ever...and quite rare in Australia
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