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Sir_SpamAlot24 Blog

My latest Addiction

I have been recently addicted to a game called Age of Mythology.its a real time stratagy game that takes place in mythicial take controll of an army and you upgrade it and get special powers from the gods.It came out in 2002 but its still fun to play and i just got it via Limewire.I must say it is an excelent game and anyone who is into real time stratagy games or are really into mythology should get it.they also have an expantion pack called Titans which i really need to get

Well it wasnt enough

Well i have rasied my grades a bit.But i dont think its enough to get my XBOX back by midterm.At the end of last quater i had 4 C's 2 B's and a D and i got the XBOX taken away.So when we got grade reports i managed to raise my Math Grade from a C to a B and i have a B in german but i still have a C in Biology but im hoping my teacher rounds it up to a b cause it is currently at 79.4.I still have a B in gym but i dont know if i have rasied my grade in english which was a D.So im hoping by the time Schools out if i do really well on my Finals i should get my Xbox back and i can take it to North Carolina when we go once my sister and i get out of school.

please help save xfire

incase you dont know xfie is a XBL type service for your computer that is completly free.but yahoo is filing a lawsuit aginst them for copyright infringement which is bogus so please sign this petition to stop the lawsuit
Xfire Petiton