SirisKurt's forum posts
So either
1)You can't buy games that much
2)You haven't been playing attention to the game
3)You don't have online
The co-op features have had me from the start. I'd preorder it if I had the money.
Considering that those paying for it probably have LIVE and will pay a bogus price for the content, I think they're the ones getting ripped off. Don't fret dude. Sony sealed the deal for Rockstar's next big original IP to be Playstation exclusive.
Oh and crazy guys, the 360 DVD is updated and can hold near 7 gigs.
I thought he stole Satan's...
It's what we get for supporting them early. Don't cry too much though $600 for the 60 gig. I'm not complaining, but I'll complain about the new PSP for getting Skype. Not picking up next-gen Sony right away anymore =P
Huxley needs to step it up with the media. I'll probably be buying that one for the pc.
alan wake, too human, fable 2, banjo three, ninja gaiden 2, lost odyssey, left4dead, supreme commander and gears 2 (very likely).e10mgs
I'm glad someone knows what they want. This thread is pretty much useless now unless there is something else.
The stand I use for my 360 actually is from Ikea.
I have it horizontal on thick glass that has space underneath it.
There are no restriction in room around it.
Worked nicely until it red ringed for no good reason within 30 minutes of being on.
games you're looking forward to. I get into fights with my buddies about the 2 systems and they never have any exclusivegames coming up that they're excited about. I'm personally keeping my eye on Alan Wake.
So what exclusive games are you keeping your eyes on?
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