So i started this console war hating on PS3 and all about 360 with not much to say about Wii. Now that they are all coming up on their one year anniversary (save 360.) I have completley changed my thoughts. For the record I currently own a 360 and Wii but have spent decent time playing PS3 and friends.
I'll start with PS3. PS3 has some decent games, the problem being if you own a 360 I have played most qualitly games with exception of Resistance, Warhawk, Motor Storm, Ninja Giden Sigma and Tekken 5. Thats a good fighter, shooter, action, and flight fighter. The problem is neither is amazing. Now 360 had GRAW and Oblivion before Gears. Oblivion is multiplatform now but the time exclusive was huge. Gears took a full year to come out. PS3 is coming up on one year and some promising games have already been pushed back to 2008. Rachet and Clank, UnrealTourny 3,and Drake all have system buying material written all over it to me but time will tell.
However, if you bought a PS3 and didnt pick up a 360 your looking at multiple good games that were released on both systems. I believe that once one of the Gears caliber game comes out PS3 will explode and may even get my money. Until this happens however i believe sales with stay mediocre. If AAA games continue to get delayed, I believe the ps2 owners may start to convert to MS.
Wii... I want to like Nintendo's new system but theres many questions on my mind. Will they make a control scheme that hardcore and old school nintendo fans will like? I could not enjoy Zelda because of the repetativeness of the slashing. Metriod i havent played but i have my hopes up. Wii's continued "intutive" controls have me wondering if this system is going to be worthless to me. I dont want to excercise on my gaming system i want to game. Is it necessary to put out multiple "party" games on the system. Im flustered about my wii purchase up to now.