Kratos never had hope in the third, either. Even with Pandora, he tells her that hope has no meaning and doesn't exist (something along those line) That was towards the end of the game, as well. That, to me, was proof that Kratos still didn't have hope, and then the one person who might've changed that, Pandora, died.
Many people saw the ending as a "twist" that ruined Kratos, when in fact it was never a twist and was foreshadowed.
Ever since the first, he lost his immortality, accidentally killed Athena, had already killed his family, and then lost Pandora. In fact, in the first, he tries to commit suicide because his goal, killing Ares, was complete. He did the same thing with Zeus.
u def need to play the game again, kratos had HOPE all a long since the first game. and pandora, said the opposite of wat u said, hope has a meaning, its wat u live and fight for when everythin else is destroyed/lost......and TC it wasnt a shock for me, i knew since the first game that kratos will eventually die. didnt know it was going to be in the third, but once he finished wat he went out to do, i knew his only other thing to do is to kill himself to be with his family. some ppl hated cuz its the end of the triology, ppl want or wanted mroe kratos. lets just hope there will be, cuz gow series is one of my fav games
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