I have gamed since I have a memory, right now I am 3 months away from turning 19, and one of the first memories I have is playing Mario Bros. on my NES, I was 3 years old, most of my childhood I played platformers and adventure games, I loved Zelda II, played thru all of Megaman 3 and X, when I was 7 I finally beat Super Mario World, with my cousin we would pass and try to reach the elusive 101% on DKC, but when I finally laid hands on a N64 controller, all of what I had known changed, maybe others who lived out through the 2D era remember that mind shattering move from 2D to 3D, I remember walking into a walmart and seeing Super Mario 64 on display and when I grabbed the controller in my hands, a lot changed, but that day I spent probably an hour before my mom yanked me away from the console on display, after having ran around as Mario, not even daring to enter the castle. A year passed before I saved up for my own N64, and one day my cousin arrived with what woud change my gaming once more, Goldeneye 64, the grandaddy of all FPS, and I remeber even more all those long nights of shooting with the pp7, golden gun and throwing knives with cousins and friends. Skip along a few years and I play yet another mind blowing FPS Halo, it truly was combat evolved, that strategy that combined grenades, plasma and bullet weapons, vehicles, and for the first time, AI that you felt could be your dumb downed friend, it was the next step, but 10 years have passed sice Halo came out, and sadly I am waiting to be blown away again by a game, and I was sure this generation would bring such mind changing experience like the last 2, but I am still waiting, the closest thing was Bad Company 2 with destructable enviroment, but...it wasn't that revolution that I felt with those 2 other legendary games, it was a mere addtition I felt, something that had taken too long to be implanted, and maybe you might think I haven't been playing all these games that come out, which receive overwhelming reviews, but I have, Killzone 1 &2, beautiful game, but I always felt like, been there done that, Call of Duty, up to 4, they were decent games but afterwards it was even annoying playing them, Uncharted, truly outstanding visuals, but not really adding much, MAG, Huge but..PC games since Unreal Tournament have been that huge...
I keep waiting and hoping for the game that will break out of habit, or really shove something on the table that'll turn heads, maybe MOVE or Natal will help or the new 3D era, but I feel there is some fault in this situation that falls upon us, most gamers accept the average or even subpar games they shove out, remeber how long it took for a sequel to come outin the ld days? but when it came out it was so worth the wait...nowadays the come out with call of duties like they were FIFAs, with minor eye candy and some new multiplayer maps, but sometimes, like with MW2 even a half produced game, full of bugs and glitches. So as a gamer I call out to all, asking that we stop taccepting mediocrity from game stuidos and ask for something truly mindshattering. S8rlink
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