Which GPU do you have? You can always try the web page can i run tis, it'll give you an insight on your specs and tell you if you reach minimum or recommended settings, good luck
Sk8rlink's forum posts
Almost ten years ago now, but as epic as it was that very moment, me and my cousin had pledged we would beat Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi for the magical SNES that summer, we had already gotten to the las levels, and finally we were up against good 'ol Darth Vader, after a grueling fight we beleive our summer task is over but Oh wait, it seems we weren't paying much attention to the movies, we had forgotten the confontation with Sidious, suerely the programmers will just add some lines untill Vader throws him over the little fence and into the Death Stars reacot,
Or maybe not, after countless lives were lost and a few tears of desperation erupted, I activate Vanish jedi power and sneak on top o the Emperor's sprite, and while on him hiw bolts wouldn't hurt me, and I could swing away, but then a false stpe makes me lose my advantage point and I must deflect his bolts, whta's that, the floor is falling damn you Sidous wiht the last of Luke's breath I makke that genius lightsaber flip/jump and kill Sidous, we are victorious I tell My cousin, and once again we are tricked into beleiving we have won, for what comes up next is an evil torture for your eyes and depth coordination, escaping the death star on the Falcon, once again we set to the task and after countless tries my cousin makes it to the exhaust and we finish this marvelous game. Truly one of my finest if not the finest moments in gaming history.
Ok first of all remember your parent pay ALL your bills, so if they really don't feel like it they wont let you have the tv, but to try and change their decision, promise something in return, if they let you have a TV in your room, you'll clean or dust or whatever every I don't know 3 days(it's to win their "trust"), for Fallout 3 I'd recommned showing them videos of it, it's not a very mature game, no nudity, drugs or referencesm it is gory, but I mean not gorier than the news(use that point to your advantage) it has a compelling storyline and tell them that ESRB doesn't even play throught he games, the developers just show them a script or something and they decide the rating, so some ratings aren't quite accurat, if all else fails use the EMO attack, be sad all day, stay in your room, look really down when you are with yuor parents, and when they ask you why, tell them, you don't think I deserve privacy or at leats a TV in my room, I love you guys but you dont' seem to think about what I feel, lol works every time
Mine is broken..it's full of campers, noobtubers and people running with knifes...what to do???
Hey wassup bro, I paly this game really teamwise, my KD is .97 no what I'm used to from other games but I'm getting there, but yeah a tight squad is killer and decisive in this game and makes war planning the best, my GT is s8rlink I'm frome mexico don't now what time thing that is, but will play mostly any day untill august when I start work, Assault lover and Sniper headhunter peace
What really makes MW2 sad for me is that it could've been a great game in the ranks of COD4, but IW couldn't beta test it, they could've discovered soooo much, like how all the maps are camp havens, how Assault rifles seem like the only weapons that work, making combiantions like lightweight and marathon or noob tube+danger close or One man army not available, but no they had to push a sub par game that lives on the MW1 name, and that there are sooo many people that play with cheap tactics that instead of being fun it's plain boring, I played it for 3 months, had a decent KD ratio (1.82) had a few laughs with my friends, but when every game I joined there was either a runner(really who thought up commando??), noob tubers, glitchers, or whatnot, I decided to put it down for my own health, and bought BC2, and let me tell you for those who say it is lagged, I live In mexico where we have sad internte speeds, and I can still play wiht little or no lag and have a blast, because in BC2 you get killed when someone is better than you, not beacuse they use cheap ways of killing others, you can't be like evolve and oppose these things, because that isn't the point of an FPS like MW2, it's about shooting others, and winning if you are better at SHOOTING than the other person. And like BC squad says, Heratbeat sensors are for p*ssies
Pepole, aren't you tired of getting the same every year, I mean hell you get 10 new maps and "new" wepons, that should be DLC no t new game, I personally won't buy this unless evryone says " it has nothing to do wiht MW2" because i ended up loathing that game... but since I see SPAS here, it will probably be veru much like its predecessor,..sad... sticking to BC2
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