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Obligatory E3 2015 post

… Because I do this every E3 I feel I'm required to at this point. (But I usually do this right after the press conferences and didn't do 2012 for some reason?)

Anyways, I think Sony's press conference was the best this year, with Square Enix and Nintendo falling behind next. I didn't get to see the other press conferences this year (work, boo) so I can't really judge them… (Actually the stream was being really glitchy so I had to watch Sony's the next day but ahem moving on)

Square Enix good job with that bit of trolling there (but what was the translator doing?) with Kingdom Hearts. I want Unchained too (because of it's story importance - wish it wasn't smartphone though) but if they didn't also have something for KH3… things would have gotten ugly.

Sony beat them to the punch with FFVII so I kinda feel like it was lame to show it, like of course they would why wouldn't they, but… if you don't have anything new for us……………… it's just old news at that point

Project Setsuna looks interesting from those two pieces of concept art they showed and good on them for Tokyo RPG Factory (and thanks for reminding me to check out the SE Collective games)

Sad there was no Noctis to be seen…

Those small-room press conferences, man… not nearly as exciting as the full scale ones (lol @ that one kingdom hearts fan in the audience though)

Nintendo, while there were a few things in there that I'm looking forward to, overall I found their digital event a bore. Which is a shame because usually I find them the most entertaining to watch…

I was hoping for some more info on Zelda WiiU, but Star Fox Zero looks neat… Oh and Yokai watch localization, yay

The thing I'm most hyped for from their press conference is Fire Emblem Fates. I was hoping the west would get both versions in one though but it looks like that's not the case, sigh…

Oh and yay another Xenoblade Chronicles X trailer and a release date!

Sony holy shit what they could of done and still won E3(imho):

Sony: "The Last Guardian." Audience: *looses their shit* Sony: *drops mic, walks off stage as trailer plays*

(Ok maybe not seriously but still holy shit The Last Guardian)

But they also had other awesome announcements like a FFVII remake (I still haven't finished my psn copy…) and Horizon: Zero Dawn and ReCore. And No Man's Sky is looking awesome as always

It's cool the consumer model for Oculus Rift has been finalized but what's the price point???? I've never been able to try one myself but some of the games for it look neat.

…At this point I can't really remember everything haha (this is why I usually do this right after the press conferences… when they're still fresh in my mind)

Hm. Well, some games from E3 I'm looking forward to(in no particular order): The Last Guardian, Kingdom Hearts 3, Cuphead, Tacoma, The Walking Dead: Michonne, ReCore, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, No Man's Sky, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fire Watch, Eitr, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Severed, Dragon Quest Heroes, Volume, Below…………

Oh! One last thing: I have never owned an XBox, but there have been exclusives on the system I want to play (but not enough to justify buying a system) and now with the XOne being backwards compatible (not with all games though boo) I'm a bit more tempted to buy one…

I always loved Nintendo systems for their backwards compatibility (even when the game discs/carts were different sizes - like gc -> wii and gba -> ds) so I'm happy to see that Microsoft is joining in on that feature. (Which has always been important to me even though I keep all my systems… but sometimes old ones break! Then what??)

But Sony come on man don't say it's too expensive it's important to gamers!!! (Or me anyway)

Nintendo E32014

Okay, I just have to get this down.

Nintendo had its digital event today and one of my first thoughts was "What the heck am I watching?" Then that whole Reggie vs Iwata bit came on and… "SERIOUSLY. What the hell am I watching??" but it was awesome. And the Mii Fighters are both really strange and pretty awesome at the same time.

The new Yoshi game looks pretty interesting I like the art style. I never got Kirby's Epic Yarn but I may pick this up. (Once I get a WiiU) I would like one of those Yoshi plushies though haha

The Toad game… Hm okay, did anybody ask for this? Well it doesn't look terrible was just unexpected.

Love that the new Zelda (for the WiiU) is gonna be open world the environment looked really cool but I was kind of hoping for something similar to the tech demo they showed. (was it last year?) Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like the more cartoony Zelda's Wind Waker was one of my (if not the) favorite titles from the series and Skyward Sword was nice looking too but I would of liked something closer to the tech demo (I've already said that)

Why does Link have a ponytail, by the way? I assume he’s gonna get his trademark green tunic+hat later (he always starts out wearing something else, huh?) but the ponytail……… I would love a gameplay trailer for the game.


Hyrule warriors makes me think of the big heartless battle in KHII and it looks awesome (are there any more male fighters though? I mean more female playable characters is good but Link is surrounded by ladies lol) Still don't understand his blue scarf though it kinda clashes with the green imo but whatever

The Kirby game… Kirby is clay now. He’s done yarn, now clay what’s next Kirby…? (And will Yoshi be clay next?)

Xenoblade X looks awesome!! I should of seen the space theme coming with the mechs…

The last thing they showed… "ANIME LINK VS PIT?!?! WHAT IS THIS-Oh Palutena for Smash Bros. that’s cool" (I should of known) I assume dark Pit is another color palette for Pit not another character.

Afterwards Miyamoto had one last message for us and oh and also Is that a Starfox game I see??? (Your blurred screens don't fool me!) (Based on a leak it seems that it was)

It felt a little short but all in all I think Nintendo had a good press conf- oh excuse me- digital event. But immediately afterwards they failed at the live@E3 portion lol. A little rusty at this huh Nintendo? Awkward silences and imac nav bars all around. (They may have won E3 imo)

I enjoyed the Robot Chicken bits even if I don't understand the reasoning behind it (the clay Kirby game?) and I can't believe they slipped in the Luigi death stare

Also there are some pretty cool games coming to the eshop, some of which I haven’t had the chance to play yet (some because of console exclusivity) But was that… battling… narwals?

That wasn't everything they showed but they didn't put all of their e3 games in the presentation so meh I won't write my reactions to everything either (and these posts are long enough already)

In other news… TYPE-0 HD REMAKE it's kinda meh that it won't be on Vita (yet?) but friggin finally… What took you so long Square??? Oh and also Agito, so yay? I hope my phone can handle it

But how long will I have to wait for Type-0 cause I mean the fan translation was released two days ago… and all they said was "Agito coming to NA! Oh and Type-0 localization has finally started!" What do you mean "started"?! How much longer must we wait… At this point I may just play the fan translation anyway and if I do not sure I'd want to buy it…

After today (Nintendo's digital event + some other game announcements + some things shown in detail on the floor) I'm feeling much better about this year's E3 than I was yesterday

E3 2014 Press Conferences

For some reason I do this (almost?) every year so here we go…

I found the Microsoft press conference pretty interesting actually, when usually theirs is one of the ones that bores me the majority of the time. I like how they focused on games, but I feel like they could of had a little time in between them… After they showed a game it felt like they didn't give the audience any time to applaud/process what they saw before they were all "OKAY HERE'S THE NEXT THING"

They didn't show too many new or exclusive things, but again, I think it's good they focused on games and it felt like they had a good flow (slowing down the flow a bit would of been nice though imo)

Also I don't think they had enough display screens

EA&Ubisoft. I'm just gonna put these together because why not they're not one of the big three. (sorry guys) Also I may not really remember everything that either of them showed… EA was mostly sports etc which just isn't a genre I play so I wasn't really paying attention… (heh)

Ubisoft needs to get a dress code and I missed what I would of been most interested in: Mirror's Edge, cause the stream cut out at that moment… (Augh) I will say this though the people in the chat for the Ubisoft conference were pretty funny. (While the chat during Microsoft was a bunch of trolls/haters/etc…) Not that that reflects anything from Ubisoft's presentation I just thought it was interesting that the chat was entertaining me more than it usually does for these things

I would say though that Ubisoft won of these two (btw don't you die instantly if you're beheaded? And what's with the media always giving French people British accents)

Apparently I missed some kind of explosion at the end of Ubisoft's so i'm kinda annoyed about that haha

Sony started out strong but then started to drag a little too long when they got to the tv/camera/powers stuff… Then I guess they ended alright but I was really hoping for the Last Guardian for the final trailer… (Sigh. Will we ever see that game again?)

They showed more of Destiny which was cool I guess but we've seen that game already. (I am hoping to pick up a copy, but never cared much for betas)

Sony had more new things I haven't seen before and more things that interest me, but the dull middle and lack of what I was really praying for kinda ruined the whole press conference for me, so it's really on the same standing as Microsoft in my eyes.

Btw as a Tales fan I was excited they (very briefly) mentioned Hearts R, but it's a bummer there weren't any fans in the audience to cheer for it (Don't take that the wrong way Namco!!!)

This year's E3 I wasn't as excited as I usually am and after yesterday I'm still not really hyped for anything that was shown… Some interesting things but no hype yet.

Let's see what NIntendo has for their Digital Event (is Gamespot really doing a stream of a stream? Yo I heard you liked streams) I'm hoping for Pokemon ORAS footage (that "gameplay footage" they showed earlier doesn't count for anything)/a new Zelda title (ZeldaU or Majora's Mask 3DS… or A Link to the Past for the eshop) but other than that I don't really know… More Super Smash Bros'd be cool, and I dunno just some new game that blows me away. (New games shown so far have just been "Oh that looks interesting I'll look out for more info" and not "OMG MUST HAVE NOW")

Now that I think about it this seems like it would of been a perfect time to announce the Hoenn remakes and blow everyone away. (How did they announce it again? I can't remember atm)

I miss the Nintendo press conferences, I mean it's not the same without the large stage, huge screens and cheering crowd but whatever Nintendo wants to do I guess

(Hm will I edit this post after their event today? Make a new post for just Nintendo? Who knows)

Btw… is Gamespot not doing the E3 trophies/achievements/medals/whatever they're called this year? I started watching E3 on Gamespot for no real reason but continued every year for those badges… It's silly, but I really liked collecting them for watching the streams…

E3 post-conference thoughts

I think Sony won this year.

Sure the press conference started late and it got a little boring at points, but they had the most games that I found interesting. And also, how can you not love the PS4 info they gave? I think the price is great, even though it is only $100 cheaper than the XONE, it is still cheaper. I wonder how many GB it'll have for that price though. And the whole support of used games and no logging online every 24 hours... I'm more in favor of the PS4 right now. Plus isn't apparently region-free which is awesome. I think more consoles need to be region free.

In their opening montage they had a glimpse of Tales of Xillia so I was really hoping they'd feature it, but they didn't... Well GS will cover it on Thurs so I'm looking forward to that. And it's cool it was in there at all even if it was only a second and it's cool it's at E3. (Playable too, I beleive. I really can't wait till August) There was also a bit of Agni's Philosophy if I'm remembering correctly... So I was wondering if perhaps there would be an announcement of a new FF based on AF, since Square did promise a new FF, but it doesn't seem like that tech demo will ever become anything.

I was hoping for Versus info, but was totally not expecting KHIII. And Square gave us both! Square has said in the past that KHII won't be able to be started until Versus was finished, but it's now in development so I'm not sure if they're almost done with Versus or they just decided to just give it to the BbS/DDD team and go ahead and start on it. (Which they have.) I'm iffy about that, but I did enjoy BbS and DDD was good too. KHIII looks good so far with the new style, and I'm really looking forward to that.

Versus is now Final Fantasy XV, and it looks great as well. Not really a new Final Fantasy Square, but okay. It was a great trailer, and any new info on Versus is great.

I was really hoping for The Last Guardian to show, but unfortunately it wasn't, and apparently it's on hiatus... Though I'm sure Team Ico will make another masterpiece and it'll be well worth the wait. I just wish we could get more info soon... a trailer, screenshots, something. Anything!

Dissapointed there was no Type-0 announcement. Come on, Square, port it to the Vita and localize it! (I'd prefer it on the psp, but you know...) Maybe if they are (I'm hoping) pretty close to done with Versus, and the HD remakes will be out soon, they'll have time to do that. Let the west give you our money!!!!! That's the only thing that'll make me buy a Vita at the moment. (Just FYI since you're apparently worried about the console's sales, and FYI Sony) There are a few other games I'd like for it, but none of them are system sellers for me. (Tales of Hearts R and Innocence R would make me buy one too...)

Microsoft, EA, and Ubisoft's press conferences were pretty boring to me. There wasn't much that particulary stood out for me. There were a lot of racing and sports games...

Nintendo's direct wasn't that great It lagged terribly. Most of the games shown, while I am excited about them, are things we've already seen/were expecting. The surprises were nice, but not mind blowing. (Like KHIII and an awesome new Versus trailer.) The best thing, the new Smash Bros trailer, lagged the worse (even skipping chunks of it) and then the stream just dropped right when Mega Man appeared. Lame... I was able to see the trailer later of course but I would of prefered being able to see it during the direct. (I did wake up to see it live after all) Just do a press conference next year, Nintendo, please...

Can't wait for the new HD Zelda too. Having that appear would of been amazing. Oh well, give them time...

The press conferences were of course yesterday, (minus Nintendo's Direct this morning) and there was some exciting stuff today, I'm really looking forward to the last two days of E3. Like what is this "big surprise" Capcom promised?

This week just began beautifully. (There's also a Desolation of Smaug trailer and a release date!!!!)

I wish Nintendo would announce the winners of their E3 facebook contest already. I know I obviously didn't win, but I would like to know who did...

3DS xD

Recenly I got to experience the 3DS! (Finally!) Yaaay! It was really cool.... xD

It was at Target and the thing was bolted down (couldn't pick it up or even adjust the top screen) so I kinda had to squat to be able to view it at the right angle... it kinda stinks that it only works properly at the right angle but it's understandable....

Afterwards though my head kinda hurt... I hope when I get one my eyes'll get used to it, otherwise I'd have to play in 2D the whole time and that's no fun... oh but the graphics still look great in 2D.

I also kinda feel now that maybe it's over-hyped... it is really cool with the depth and everything but it's not that great... I guess? But if I had to pick a company to be..... connected? tied? to it would be Nintendo... xP Cause I always buy their systems. Idk whether I'd be more DS or PSP cause I love my PSP but I love my DS too but I have more games for it... I guess for some reason Nintendo systems/consoles just have more games that appeal to me? The portable ones, at least.

But yeah regardless of whether or not I get used to it or can earn the money for it... (art student) I NEED Orcarina of Time 3D and KH 3D... other games too but those two the most I think... they're at least the ones I can think of atm so that says something lol

But ugh such horrible battery life....

Can't wait for E3~

E3 2010 Day 1 & Pre-Show

... I think the Nintendo conference was the best by far. I didn't really get to watch the whole Sony conference, I had to work. I saw all the conferences, but wasn't signed in for all of them, so didn't get all the achievement things. Oh well. (I got the one for watching the sony conference even though I didn't really watch the whole thing)

The only things I remember from the Ubisoft/Microsoft/EA conferences are the kinnect and all the boring fitness games, that Michael Jackson thing and the other dancing game.. and random sports games. I was pretty uninterested...

What's with that stupid Playstation Move thing? It's a Wiimote with a gay glowing orb at the end... and The Kinnect... I like my controllers, thank you.

But Nintendo, I remember every amazing (or as Nintendo would say, "epic". They seem to really like that word.) second of it... (except the Wiiparty thing and that dancing game I could care less about) Epic Mickey looks interesting, and Zelda Skyward Sword I MUST GET. Its a shame that it didn't really work during the stage demo though...

Kirby's Epic Yarn... The name seriously turns me off to it, it sounds so lame. But I really like the art style to it, and although I don't really play Kirby games, (I had that one with the mice for the DS... I don't have it anymore, so I must of sold it or traded it in or something.. I beat it really fast and saw no need to keep it) I might get this one, even though Kirby doesn't suck things up.. Isn't Kirby supposed to suck things up? It doesn't seem like Kirby without it. I think they should of came up with a different lead character and a different game name. But that's just me.

Golden Sun (Dark Dawn or something, right?)... never played Golden Sun, but ever since last E3, I've been thinking about getting this one. (It was briefly shown at E3 2009, right?)

Never cared for Nintendogs. As for Goldeneye... meh. Not really interested.

Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid: Other M and Kid Icarus Uprising: all games I want... (Never played a DK game either, but this looks fun, and ever since Brawl I've wanted to play an Kid Icarus game.)

The 3DS... I really want to experience for myself. You know I'm going to buy one. Never got a DSi or DSi XL, cause my DS Lite works fine. Don't know what color I'll get... I really like the blue one, but the red one's also nice. And Red is one of my favorite colors. The black one... I like it, but it seems... less special, somehow. I dunno. We'll see.

Other E3 games I want... KH: BbS, KH Re:Coded, The 3rd birthday, FF: The 4 Heroes of Light, Sonic Colors maybe... Okamiden, The Last Story, The Last Guardian, (Those two are there right? They're in the games list) Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, and the Sly Collection... (Loved the first Sly Coper game, it was my brother's and he sold it. : () That's all I can think of atm.

Disappointed that there's no FF VS XIII.

The live Cam Tour was fun to watch. xD It kept cutting off due to various things; (Like a dead battery pack - give him an extra battery!) but it was still fun to watch. xD Sadly (well not really) today there are things I want to see in the Stage Show Demos, so I'll be watching that instead. : )

That's it. Can't wait for the rest of E3 2010 and wish I was there. Microsoft stinks for giving out free Xbox's. They can only do that if I'm in the audience. xD I don't have a Xbox.. only console I don't have. Don't particularly want one, but there are some games exclusively for it that I want and a free one would be nice.

first post

My favorite genre of video games... hm I don't really know... but my video games are usually rpg or strategy...
this was so random