… Because I do this every E3 I feel I'm required to at this point. (But I usually do this right after the press conferences and didn't do 2012 for some reason?)
Anyways, I think Sony's press conference was the best this year, with Square Enix and Nintendo falling behind next. I didn't get to see the other press conferences this year (work, boo) so I can't really judge them… (Actually the stream was being really glitchy so I had to watch Sony's the next day but ahem moving on)
Square Enix good job with that bit of trolling there (but what was the translator doing?) with Kingdom Hearts. I want Unchained too (because of it's story importance - wish it wasn't smartphone though) but if they didn't also have something for KH3… things would have gotten ugly.
Sony beat them to the punch with FFVII so I kinda feel like it was lame to show it, like of course they would why wouldn't they, but… if you don't have anything new for us……………… it's just old news at that point
Project Setsuna looks interesting from those two pieces of concept art they showed and good on them for Tokyo RPG Factory (and thanks for reminding me to check out the SE Collective games)
Sad there was no Noctis to be seen…
Those small-room press conferences, man… not nearly as exciting as the full scale ones (lol @ that one kingdom hearts fan in the audience though)
Nintendo, while there were a few things in there that I'm looking forward to, overall I found their digital event a bore. Which is a shame because usually I find them the most entertaining to watch…
I was hoping for some more info on Zelda WiiU, but Star Fox Zero looks neat… Oh and Yokai watch localization, yay
The thing I'm most hyped for from their press conference is Fire Emblem Fates. I was hoping the west would get both versions in one though but it looks like that's not the case, sigh…
Oh and yay another Xenoblade Chronicles X trailer and a release date!
Sony holy shit what they could of done and still won E3(imho):
Sony: "The Last Guardian." Audience: *looses their shit* Sony: *drops mic, walks off stage as trailer plays*
(Ok maybe not seriously but still holy shit The Last Guardian)
But they also had other awesome announcements like a FFVII remake (I still haven't finished my psn copy…) and Horizon: Zero Dawn and ReCore. And No Man's Sky is looking awesome as always
It's cool the consumer model for Oculus Rift has been finalized but what's the price point???? I've never been able to try one myself but some of the games for it look neat.
…At this point I can't really remember everything haha (this is why I usually do this right after the press conferences… when they're still fresh in my mind)
Hm. Well, some games from E3 I'm looking forward to(in no particular order): The Last Guardian, Kingdom Hearts 3, Cuphead, Tacoma, The Walking Dead: Michonne, ReCore, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, No Man's Sky, Horizon Zero Dawn, Fire Watch, Eitr, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Severed, Dragon Quest Heroes, Volume, Below…………
Oh! One last thing: I have never owned an XBox, but there have been exclusives on the system I want to play (but not enough to justify buying a system) and now with the XOne being backwards compatible (not with all games though boo) I'm a bit more tempted to buy one…
I always loved Nintendo systems for their backwards compatibility (even when the game discs/carts were different sizes - like gc -> wii and gba -> ds) so I'm happy to see that Microsoft is joining in on that feature. (Which has always been important to me even though I keep all my systems… but sometimes old ones break! Then what??)
But Sony come on man don't say it's too expensive it's important to gamers!!! (Or me anyway)
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