... I think the Nintendo conference was the best by far. I didn't really get to watch the whole Sony conference, I had to work. I saw all the conferences, but wasn't signed in for all of them, so didn't get all the achievement things. Oh well. (I got the one for watching the sony conference even though I didn't really watch the whole thing)
The only things I remember from the Ubisoft/Microsoft/EA conferences are the kinnect and all the boring fitness games, that Michael Jackson thing and the other dancing game.. and random sports games. I was pretty uninterested...
What's with that stupid Playstation Move thing? It's a Wiimote with a gay glowing orb at the end... and The Kinnect... I like my controllers, thank you.
But Nintendo, I remember every amazing (or as Nintendo would say, "epic". They seem to really like that word.) second of it... (except the Wiiparty thing and that dancing game I could care less about) Epic Mickey looks interesting, and Zelda Skyward Sword I MUST GET. Its a shame that it didn't really work during the stage demo though...
Kirby's Epic Yarn... The name seriously turns me off to it, it sounds so lame. But I really like the art style to it, and although I don't really play Kirby games, (I had that one with the mice for the DS... I don't have it anymore, so I must of sold it or traded it in or something.. I beat it really fast and saw no need to keep it) I might get this one, even though Kirby doesn't suck things up.. Isn't Kirby supposed to suck things up? It doesn't seem like Kirby without it. I think they should of came up with a different lead character and a different game name. But that's just me.
Golden Sun (Dark Dawn or something, right?)... never played Golden Sun, but ever since last E3, I've been thinking about getting this one. (It was briefly shown at E3 2009, right?)
Never cared for Nintendogs. As for Goldeneye... meh. Not really interested.
Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid: Other M and Kid Icarus Uprising: all games I want... (Never played a DK game either, but this looks fun, and ever since Brawl I've wanted to play an Kid Icarus game.)
The 3DS... I really want to experience for myself. You know I'm going to buy one. Never got a DSi or DSi XL, cause my DS Lite works fine. Don't know what color I'll get... I really like the blue one, but the red one's also nice. And Red is one of my favorite colors. The black one... I like it, but it seems... less special, somehow. I dunno. We'll see.
Other E3 games I want... KH: BbS, KH Re:Coded, The 3rd birthday, FF: The 4 Heroes of Light, Sonic Colors maybe... Okamiden, The Last Story, The Last Guardian, (Those two are there right? They're in the games list) Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, and the Sly Collection... (Loved the first Sly Coper game, it was my brother's and he sold it. : () That's all I can think of atm.
Disappointed that there's no FF VS XIII.
The live Cam Tour was fun to watch. xD It kept cutting off due to various things; (Like a dead battery pack - give him an extra battery!) but it was still fun to watch. xD Sadly (well not really) today there are things I want to see in the Stage Show Demos, so I'll be watching that instead. : )
That's it. Can't wait for the rest of E3 2010 and wish I was there. Microsoft stinks for giving out free Xbox's. They can only do that if I'm in the audience. xD I don't have a Xbox.. only console I don't have. Don't particularly want one, but there are some games exclusively for it that I want and a free one would be nice.