For some reason I do this (almost?) every year so here we go…
I found the Microsoft press conference pretty interesting actually, when usually theirs is one of the ones that bores me the majority of the time. I like how they focused on games, but I feel like they could of had a little time in between them… After they showed a game it felt like they didn't give the audience any time to applaud/process what they saw before they were all "OKAY HERE'S THE NEXT THING"
They didn't show too many new or exclusive things, but again, I think it's good they focused on games and it felt like they had a good flow (slowing down the flow a bit would of been nice though imo)
Also I don't think they had enough display screens
EA&Ubisoft. I'm just gonna put these together because why not they're not one of the big three. (sorry guys) Also I may not really remember everything that either of them showed… EA was mostly sports etc which just isn't a genre I play so I wasn't really paying attention… (heh)
Ubisoft needs to get a dress code and I missed what I would of been most interested in: Mirror's Edge, cause the stream cut out at that moment… (Augh) I will say this though the people in the chat for the Ubisoft conference were pretty funny. (While the chat during Microsoft was a bunch of trolls/haters/etc…) Not that that reflects anything from Ubisoft's presentation I just thought it was interesting that the chat was entertaining me more than it usually does for these things
I would say though that Ubisoft won of these two (btw don't you die instantly if you're beheaded? And what's with the media always giving French people British accents)
Apparently I missed some kind of explosion at the end of Ubisoft's so i'm kinda annoyed about that haha
Sony started out strong but then started to drag a little too long when they got to the tv/camera/powers stuff… Then I guess they ended alright but I was really hoping for the Last Guardian for the final trailer… (Sigh. Will we ever see that game again?)
They showed more of Destiny which was cool I guess but we've seen that game already. (I am hoping to pick up a copy, but never cared much for betas)
Sony had more new things I haven't seen before and more things that interest me, but the dull middle and lack of what I was really praying for kinda ruined the whole press conference for me, so it's really on the same standing as Microsoft in my eyes.
Btw as a Tales fan I was excited they (very briefly) mentioned Hearts R, but it's a bummer there weren't any fans in the audience to cheer for it (Don't take that the wrong way Namco!!!)
This year's E3 I wasn't as excited as I usually am and after yesterday I'm still not really hyped for anything that was shown… Some interesting things but no hype yet.
Let's see what NIntendo has for their Digital Event (is Gamespot really doing a stream of a stream? Yo I heard you liked streams) I'm hoping for Pokemon ORAS footage (that "gameplay footage" they showed earlier doesn't count for anything)/a new Zelda title (ZeldaU or Majora's Mask 3DS… or A Link to the Past for the eshop) but other than that I don't really know… More Super Smash Bros'd be cool, and I dunno just some new game that blows me away. (New games shown so far have just been "Oh that looks interesting I'll look out for more info" and not "OMG MUST HAVE NOW")
Now that I think about it this seems like it would of been a perfect time to announce the Hoenn remakes and blow everyone away. (How did they announce it again? I can't remember atm)
I miss the Nintendo press conferences, I mean it's not the same without the large stage, huge screens and cheering crowd but whatever Nintendo wants to do I guess
(Hm will I edit this post after their event today? Make a new post for just Nintendo? Who knows)
Btw… is Gamespot not doing the E3 trophies/achievements/medals/whatever they're called this year? I started watching E3 on Gamespot for no real reason but continued every year for those badges… It's silly, but I really liked collecting them for watching the streams…