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Nintendo E32014

Okay, I just have to get this down.

Nintendo had its digital event today and one of my first thoughts was "What the heck am I watching?" Then that whole Reggie vs Iwata bit came on and… "SERIOUSLY. What the hell am I watching??" but it was awesome. And the Mii Fighters are both really strange and pretty awesome at the same time.

The new Yoshi game looks pretty interesting I like the art style. I never got Kirby's Epic Yarn but I may pick this up. (Once I get a WiiU) I would like one of those Yoshi plushies though haha

The Toad game… Hm okay, did anybody ask for this? Well it doesn't look terrible was just unexpected.

Love that the new Zelda (for the WiiU) is gonna be open world the environment looked really cool but I was kind of hoping for something similar to the tech demo they showed. (was it last year?) Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't like the more cartoony Zelda's Wind Waker was one of my (if not the) favorite titles from the series and Skyward Sword was nice looking too but I would of liked something closer to the tech demo (I've already said that)

Why does Link have a ponytail, by the way? I assume he’s gonna get his trademark green tunic+hat later (he always starts out wearing something else, huh?) but the ponytail……… I would love a gameplay trailer for the game.


Hyrule warriors makes me think of the big heartless battle in KHII and it looks awesome (are there any more male fighters though? I mean more female playable characters is good but Link is surrounded by ladies lol) Still don't understand his blue scarf though it kinda clashes with the green imo but whatever

The Kirby game… Kirby is clay now. He’s done yarn, now clay what’s next Kirby…? (And will Yoshi be clay next?)

Xenoblade X looks awesome!! I should of seen the space theme coming with the mechs…

The last thing they showed… "ANIME LINK VS PIT?!?! WHAT IS THIS-Oh Palutena for Smash Bros. that’s cool" (I should of known) I assume dark Pit is another color palette for Pit not another character.

Afterwards Miyamoto had one last message for us and oh and also Is that a Starfox game I see??? (Your blurred screens don't fool me!) (Based on a leak it seems that it was)

It felt a little short but all in all I think Nintendo had a good press conf- oh excuse me- digital event. But immediately afterwards they failed at the live@E3 portion lol. A little rusty at this huh Nintendo? Awkward silences and imac nav bars all around. (They may have won E3 imo)

I enjoyed the Robot Chicken bits even if I don't understand the reasoning behind it (the clay Kirby game?) and I can't believe they slipped in the Luigi death stare

Also there are some pretty cool games coming to the eshop, some of which I haven’t had the chance to play yet (some because of console exclusivity) But was that… battling… narwals?

That wasn't everything they showed but they didn't put all of their e3 games in the presentation so meh I won't write my reactions to everything either (and these posts are long enough already)

In other news… TYPE-0 HD REMAKE it's kinda meh that it won't be on Vita (yet?) but friggin finally… What took you so long Square??? Oh and also Agito, so yay? I hope my phone can handle it

But how long will I have to wait for Type-0 cause I mean the fan translation was released two days ago… and all they said was "Agito coming to NA! Oh and Type-0 localization has finally started!" What do you mean "started"?! How much longer must we wait… At this point I may just play the fan translation anyway and if I do not sure I'd want to buy it…

After today (Nintendo's digital event + some other game announcements + some things shown in detail on the floor) I'm feeling much better about this year's E3 than I was yesterday