@Whiskey3romeo There is a very small number of people that play MMOs and really care about wandering around and hearing random stories from NPCs. Putting Destiny aside for a moment, all you do in a MMO after hitting max level is farming mats and doing dailies and dungeons till you are ready to get into raiding. Going back to Destiny, you've got your mats farming, daily mission and bounties, weekly strike mission, random strike missions with bonuses and the recently added raid. Maybe the term MMO is too much for describing Destiny, but the game was built on MMO grounds while making the endgame content more accessible to anyone. Remember that not anyone has 6+ months to invest into hardcore mmo playing.
I don't recall vehicle battles being advertise, please don't mistake this for Battlefield. This is Bungie's first attempt at an MMO and I think you should give them some time and see what they do next in order to improve the game.
No comment on the last part, that's exactly what I expected when I saw the game announcement and after playing the beta. I enjoy tactics and a little teamwork in killing a bullet sponge boss.
@Aaronp2k That sums it up pretty well. Nicely said!
@nl_skipper The grinding at the end and the repetitive missions were expected, can't really put those a minus in the game.
Basically what you need to do in a MMO, after reaching max level, is farming reps, mats, dungeons and raids for better gear. Having those things in mind, can't see why you wouldn't agree with Destiny being a MMO.
Hell yeah....now we have much more light and the same washed up texture on the ground, the same crappy grass and let's not forget the same 2D vegetation so the dog won't get confused....This is funny! I don't believe this is on Xbox One or PS4, I hope it's not runing on the new consoles!
Skat137321's comments