Now, you'll probably think you know why I'm saying this, as I'm an extremely avid Gears Of War fan. You might assume I'm just anxious to be able to play all the cool new stuff being offered with Gears 2.
If you assume that's my reason, you're dead wrong.
Gears 1 has a great story, but the real meat of the game is in its multiplayer. The game is graphically impressive, fast paced, and addictive. It allows for tactical maneuvering using cover and smoke grenades. It has in your face, unapologetic violence, and it keeps you coming back for more. Nothing says "fun" like COG and Locust ripping each other to pieces in the ruins of Sera.
Unfortunately, by this time, Gears has lost some of what made it so amazing.
- Glitching -
From day one of Gears (or any online game, for that matter) there have been people trying to figure out glitches and exploits that they could use against people online. These can range from the ever-annoying and utterly wrong "weapon sliding," through "chainsaw glitching," "map escapes," and all the way to the absolutely F***ED UP "roadie run glitch." These exploits ARE cheating, although the pathetic souls who use them in games prefer to hide behind the ridiculous "it's in the game," excuse, convenientely forgetting that it's NOT INTENDED TO BE IN THE GAME. Players who abuse these exploits gain a significant advantage over clean players, and it is truly inexcusable that by this time Epic has not fixed these glitches once and for all, outside of the chainsaw glitch(I haven't seen a chainsaw glitch in a long time, so that seems to have been fixed). The roadie run glitch reduces the cheater's physical hit area, as they appear to be "roadie running" on other player's screens. The cheater also moves at increased speed, which allows plenty of damage to be dealt to a clean player, who will have 10x the difficulty injuring the glitcher. The weapon slide glitches are directly opposite to Epic's intentions, where picking up a weapon makes you stand still and present a vulnerable target to the enemy, adding risk and making players think a bit before throwing themselves into the open, by allowing the exploiter to pick up a weapin while moving into cover. Map escapes do exactly what their name implies, allowing a player to go outside of the normal boundaries of the map. All of these glitches ruin the way Gears is meant to be played, and certainly destroys any semblance of sportsmanship.
- Poor community -
In the last two days, I've experienced how bad the decline of the Gears community has fallen. I've not had a single game without at least 2 quitters, and there have been exploiters galore. There was even one particular A**hat named Die Past who enjoyed hosting then standbying a game, and lo and behold he had the highest score, and was talking tons of s***. For those who don't know standby freezes everyone but the host, allowing him to move around and kill people while they are still stuck in place unable to do anything. Suddenly you catch up to the game to find you've been killed by a guy who was on the other side of a wall. When Gears first was released, there were plenty of teamwork-oriented people in games, and game lobbies filled up fast. Now nearly everyone playing is a jerk who has no interest in playing WITH his team in a TEAM BASED MULTIPLAYER GAME, and you can sit in a lobby for a good 20 minutes waiting for it to fill, only to have the host quit within the first minute of the game. FANTASTIC.
Don't get me wrong, I love Gears. But between the glitches, host advantages, and sadly low quality community, Gears has lost a good deal of it's luster. Epic needs to fix the glitches and PREVENT further glitching, get rid of host advantage (which they have promised) and inject some much needed life into the Gears community. Here's looking at you, November 7th.