Ok, well for the past 2 days I've been going crazy...
My computer's power supply blew...:cry:
I guess things just got a bit too much for the old one.
Anway the upshot of it was that I couldn't use the PC for about 2 days - doesn't seem like much, but it was killing me!!!
Just glad that everything is sorted out and all better.
OK, on the games front, I'm slowly making progress through Okami (PS2). Slowly because I don't really play the PS2 that much - i feel so bad, like I'm neglecting it. But on the weekend I'm getting Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 (PS2) - can't wait to play it!!!
Still waiting for Blue Dragon Plus, Pokemon Platinum and GTA China Town stories for the DS.
And as always, waiting for a new Bleach game for the PSP :P
Just Glad to be Back :)