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Saints Row vs GTA? Why Can't We Have Both?

Since a few people have been making blog posts over here at GameSpot, I figured I would as well.

I wanted to discuss the whole Saints Row vs GTA thing going on over at Twitter.

First off, I wanted to say I don't hate GTA IV, I think it's a really good game. The problem I have with the game is that it just feels empty. There is nothing really to do but the main story which, in itself, is decent but not "Oscar worthy" like IGN thinks it is. I will admit the graphics and the physics engine are amazing. Yes, at first, I was super excited when the game came out. That was mostly because of the reviews it was getting and plus I am a huge GTA fan. My first GTA game was GTA: Director's Cut for PlayStation which included GTA 1 and London 1969. I also remember getting GTA 2 for Christmas and absolutely loving it. I bought a PS2 just for GTA III and I remember staying up that night just playing that game. So yeah, I'm a huge GTA fan, so I had high expectations for GTA IV. I came away pretty disappointed with the game because they removed a lot of features that San Andreas had because they wanted to go a more realistic route.

The main reason I prefer Saints Row 2 over GTA IV is the freedom of choice. You can do pretty much anything you want to in the game, or if you want, you could just play the story part and never even touch any of the wacky side missions. It's your choice. It reminds me of the WWE Smackdown vs Raw games. Each year they seem to remove features from the game, just because they want to make it more realistic to the TV show. Why not give you the choice if you want to go backstage or have wrestlers fight divas, but nope. It has to realistic, and that's why those games get worse every year.

Anyway, I just wanted to make this blog explaining why I prefer Saints Row 2 over GTA IV. I don't care if you like GTA IV over Saints Row 2. That's great if you do. I think it's wrong to say people are stupid if they choose to like Saints Row over GTA. A lot of people have different taste. Not just in games but movies, TV shows, and music as well. Goodfellas is one of my favorite movies of all time, my favorite TV show is South Park, and Deftones is my favorite band. I'm sure many would disagree with the choices I made but I hope you would respect them as well and not say "lol deftones sux!!!11!" That's all for now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Have a great day!

Quick Impressions on the MS, Sony, and Nintendo Conferences.

Microsoft: Pretty good, really liked seeing Fallout 3 and Resident Evil 5 demos. The new Dashboard was pretty cool with Mi...I mean Avatars. Also, Final Fantasy XIII coming to 360? Wow!

Sony: They also had a good showing. God of War III trailer was pretty cool but very short. MAG could be interesting, and with 256 players online? That's crazy!

Nintendo: I want that hour of my life back, Nintendo! Terrible showing.

That's it for right now. Later.

RRW Day One

This was unexpected. I had no intentions of participating in Retro Revival Week until recently when Mike (EightBitWarrior) decided to allow modern games to be played in RRW. So now I can join in on RRW and still be able to play games like Battlefield: Bad Company and upcoming games like Civilization Revolution. :D

The games I will be playing on RRW are:

Mega Man Anniversary Collection
MM Anniversary Collection

I bought this a few months ago and haven't even touched it. I never really played the original Mega Man games before, so I think this is perfect time to finally try them out.

Chrono Trigger (PSX)
Chrono Trigger

Yes, I have the PSX version which has the annoying load times, but I am going to try to deal with it because I really like the story and want to continue. If not, I will just wait for the DS version!

Sonic the Hedgehog (360)

I have the Genesis version but I will playing the XBLA one mainly for Achievements!

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (360)
Symphony of the Night

Also playing the 360 version for the Achievements!

That's pretty much it. For day one of RRW, I will be playing Sonic the Hedgehog and try to finish it up.

Also, on a unrelated note: The Dark Knight comes out in less than two weeks. Can't wait!

Later, guys.

Just a Quick Update

Hey guys, thought I would make a blog to let you know what I've been up to. I bought No More Heroes the other day and I must say the game is freakin' awesome! I really can't wait to play some more of it later on today. I also got an HDTV, as I mentioned in my previous blog that I was going to get. It's a Samsung 26" HDTV and wow, I can tell a huge difference in games like GTA IV, CoD4, etc.

I also have been getting ready for The Dark Knight. I am a HUGE Batman fan and I definitely cannot wait to see this movie. I've must have watched the trailers like over 50 times atleast, I'm not kidding either. I actually went out and bought The Dark Knight Batman action figure today, mostly for collection purposes because I will not be opening the box even though I really want too.

I still have plans to record a video blog, I'm not really sure when I will get around to it though. I actually recorded a "room tour" video because I was bored but I haven't uploaded it. I've seen a lot of people do a "room tour" video and I always wanted to do one myself but I don't know if anyone is interested in seeing it.

Anyways, that's pretty much it for now. If you don't see me on Xbox Live or PSN for awhile it means I am playing No More Heroes, I may play some Vegas 2 because I been wanting to play some of the multiplayer for awhile now. So, I hope that my next blog will be a video blog, don't hold me to it though. Later, guys.

I Am Getting Old...

Well, today's my 20th Birthday. My mom gave me some money for my Birthday, which is awesome because now I can invest in one of those new fangled HDTVs I keep hearing so much about.

In other news: I finished Grand Theft Auto IV. As I mentioned in my last blog, it is my Game of the Year for 2008. The best game I ever played. Since I beat the story, I've been doing the side missions and trying to get the Achievements.

That's all for now. Peace.

I have to do this.

Here is my UPDATED Top Ten Games of all Time:

10 - Silent Hill

9 - Resident Evil 4

8 - Final Fantasy VII

7 - Metal Gear Solid

6 - Super Mario 64

5 - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

4 - Resident Evil 2

3 - Shenmue

2 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

1 - Grand Theft Auto IV

ZOMG! GTA IV is so awesome! It's already my 2008 GOTY and we're not even half way through the year yet. I don't really care if you think I'm over reacting (hell, I probably am), but this is the best game I've played in a long time. Now time for me to get back to GTA IV. Peace.

My Favorite Game of all Time? Probably.

Grand Theft Auto IV is without a doubt the best game I've played in years. I was going to make a video blog today, but since GTA IV is taking over my life, I am going to postpone it to some other time. Not sure when I will do it, I guess whenever I get the time.

Also, if you wanna know how much I like GTA IV: it's probably going to be my number one game of all time beating The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Yes, it's that damn good. Later.

Two More Days...

Hey guys, very quick update.

I got Persona 3: FES for the PS2. Great game. I played it for a few hours and I am really enjoying it.

Picked up Mario Kart Wii today. Played a few matches online. It's awesome, but it does take some time to get used to the controls. Will be playing more tonight.

On Tuesday, future 2008 GOTY winner Grand Theft Auto IV will be coming out and I will be going to a midnight launch to pick up the game. To say I am excited for this game is an understatement, I CAN NOT wait for this game to come out, and it's still two days away. Ugh!

That's it for right now. Video blog coming sometime Tuesday...if I can put down GTA IV long enough to record it. Peace.
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