The game should be called CRAP Land. Admittedly, the entire game theme is cool and somewhat original... but this mission based game is just plan Stupid. Idiotic missions which must be repeated numerous times until you get it right. I can live with that, but give me a break. How many Scanners do you know that you have to stay within inches of the ship you're scanning for about two minutes or the scan is incomplete. All this while the ship you're scanning is bouncing and banking as if the guy is on drugs. Oh... and lets not forget about the TEAM Race to collect the most flags... else, you can't continue the game story. The key word here is TEAM. There is YOU, and about 4 others on your team... and the opposing team is another 5. Now in this TEAM Race, apparently you're the only one capable of actually picking up the flags... I guess ALL your team mates are Morons. And then the opposing team has 4 guys grabing flags and one guy blasting the hell outta your ship. Oh.. and when you do get blasted you've lost all the flags you may have collected. (Oh Wait, it doesn't stop there). The flags are all over the city, and as you race for one, it gets snagged by the other team, and the next one pops up on your radar on the other end of the city... where, by the way, 2 of the opposing team members are waiting. It took me about 2 hours of play to finally win this Stupid Race, just so I could go and spend the next hour trying to scan some other idiot.
I don't mind a game that is difficult, challenging and last for a while (my preference actually)... but this game has about 2 hours of actual game play... the rest is just designed to lengthen the game so they can advertise 'Hours' of Game Play. But I'm sorry... Game Play is consistant... not just repeating the same CRAP over and over until you get Lucky enough to actually suceed.
This is the first game I've ever given up on... but it finally got to the point where I dreaded finishing one Stupid Assignment, because I didn't even want to know what the next stupid assignment would be. Which, by the way, would either be racing for more flags, scanning another ship or my favorite; being assigned to Protect a City Official for some mercenary. And when the Mercenary kills the official, everything is okay... but if You kill the Mercenary, suddenly the cops come looking for you. And since the Merc has to kill the City Off. 10 times and you have to kill the merc 10 times first, the merc gets in 2 to 3 kills for your every one, because you're ducking, dodge and shooting cops WHILE trying to find the new merc that popped up, while the merc just kills the City Off. and no one seems to care.
American McGee had a great idea here... but instead of Forcing Longer Game Play, they should have taken the time to Create Longer Game Play.
But on the bright side... CRAP Land comes with 2 CDS, which means now I have 2 New Coasters.
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