Matalisation of the nation !
by Skugarr on Comments
Sup yall ! How's it going ? I really don't care. Why do people ask stuff they don't care about ? Ah, nevermind. So metal. Heavy metal t o be precise. It's a music genre, like many others. It has it's ups and downs ( for me only ups ) etc. So many people out there think that metal is worshiping Satan or something like burning churches. No it ain't. Well there is black metal and that's a bit off the edge. Especially in Scandinavia. Probably why I like it up there so much ( Just kidding ). So metal is like rock but faster, harder and louder. Remember these words. Faster, harder, louder. Metal was created by these three words. Originating waay back from Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple to it's creation with Black Sabbath. These are the roots of metal. Now from Sabbath and onward. Well you could say there's a damn shitpile of sub-genres. I'll name a few. We got thrash ( no it's not pronounced as trash ), then we have power, death, black, melodic death, doom, symphonic power and death, christian, pagan, folk, classic heavy, speed and a shitload more... What do I want to say with this talk about metal ? I don't know really. I'm just trying to bring it back to popularity any way I can. It ain't dead, that's for sure. But it needs a bit of a kick so it can kick some modern artists right in the nuts. So help me with it will you ? If you listen to metal or rock or punk even, that's great and you should probably be a part in this metalisation of the nation. Why should we metalise the world ? Well times are getting harder and people can find themselves in the lyrics of many metal bands. Then you can release rage you have with metal since it encourages you to get wilder ( don't kill anyone ). Metal also has complex music and it's an eargasm to hear, well for me though. So if you are a punker, rocker or metalhead share this text with others if you will but if you are not. Well I recommend you to listen to a few songs and you might like it. You could start from power metal or even symphonic metal since they are less louder than the other metal bands and lyrics are mostly fantasy oriented. Some bands are Blind Guardian, Rhapsody of Fire, Iced Earth, Edguy, Nightwish etc. Note: this isn't soft music. It's still harder, faster and louder than most of the stuff out there but it's softer than thrash, death, black etc. You could also jump into thrash right away. Listen to the big 4 ( Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax and Metallica ) and explore the genre with them. You could also try to start with Linkin Park since NU (it's a sub-genre) isn't quite the metal we are used to. I strongly recommend you listen everything you can that is metal and then deciding whether or not shall you be a metalhead. For every metal sub-genre you can like this page on Facebook where me and a couple of friends regularly post music . Cheers and keep on headbanging ! \m/