YEAH!!!! I beated Majora´s Mask!! That game definitly ROCKS!!! Its the best Zelda game, for me. :D You guys should be expecting my review soon enough. I beated the game almost by 100%. Although I had to use walkthrough to get the keatons, couples, and more masks, I really enjoy the game. I recommend this game to ANYONE, Zelda fan or not. The game is AWESOME. Anyways now I will show some cool images about it.
This is the First temple Boss:
This is the second temple boss:
This is the third temples boss:
This is the fourth temple boss:
I will now show the 3 stages of the last boss, the Majora´s Mask, which, I beated as Oni-Link.
First Stage:
2 Stage
3 and LAST Stage
and THIS is how my inventory looks like now.
I loved this game. BEST EVER.
I really cant believe that an N64 was made sooo really coooooooooool.
Now, this are the "transformations" you can turn into.
Man, I could keep on posting and posting stuff about this game, stuff I liked, but it would take just TOO long.
About my review, I will announce, when its ready, so pls recoommend it.
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