Well, I recently joined Gamespot(which, I must admit, is a fantastic website), and am enjoying myself for the time being. I've recently started to revolve around Steam, I'm loving it, it's a fabulous service, very easy to use, and it saves all my games to one account: forever.
Multiplayer gaming has been my thing for a while now, Counter-Strike 1.6 being the culprit: pulled me in for an entire 226 hours and counting, my most played game for now. I recently acquired Left 4 Dead 2, Killing Floor, Fallout New Vegas and Black Ops. I'm absolutely in love with New Vegas, it's brilliant and extremely diverse, Killing Floor & Left 4 Dead are both great in their own ways, and while they get compared all the time, there are just too many factors that make them different, therefore I love both of them(although I'm starting to like L4D2 more now), and last and least(Ironic), Black Ops. I have mixed reactions about the game. It started off well, I put about 50+ hours into the multiplayer, was loving it, but it started to go downhill from there. There was nothing Left to do. The whole prestige system was rather annoying, not rewarding(although I'm not even sure it was meant to be), and there is an abundance of children playing, which gets extremely annoying, because they are constantly complaining about everything really. There is just too much hate in the CoD community. "Knife Noob", "Famas Noob", "RPG Noob", "AK-74u Noob", "Claymore Noob" and so on. It's appalling to be honest. Why play a game if you take it to heart, and kick yourself over it later on.
So that's just a little bit about me, I will be blogging a lot these days, Winter Holidays are great, and I hope to get to know the Gamespot community a bit more in the coming weeks.